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History of Ballet in 	1573

Pink Tutu Blog: Ballet History #1: A Whirl Through 1573! 🩰💖

Hey everyone! Emma here, your favourite Derbyshire-born pink tutu enthusiast, back with another delve into the fabulous world of ballet history! Today, we’re twirling back to 1573 – can you believe it?! – for our first exciting voyage into the past. I've been busily twirling through time thanks to my street ballet performances (gotta keep those travel funds flowing for my historical fashion adventures!), and 1573 was a real treat! It's amazing how much history we can uncover with just a sprinkle of pink tutu magic and a healthy dose of tututivity (that's a new word, you heard it here first, folks!)

So, what’s happening in the ballet world in 1573?

Well, we're just at the beginning, but believe me, even then there’s lots of excitement and potential for beautiful tutus! This year, a tiny little seed was planted that would blossom into the dazzling world of ballet we know and love today. It all started with a grand, glorious wedding for Catherine de Medici's son, King Henry III of France. This extravaganza featured a dazzling spectacle called "Le Ballet Comique de la Reine," which is actually considered to be the first ballet ever staged! Imagine the tutus, darling! Even if they weren’t tutus as we know them today, there were beautiful costumes and movements, which were definitely a forerunner to the artistry we love now.

Now, I know you’re itching to know all about what happened at that momentous wedding – how did people dance? What were the costumes like? Where could we find some amazing Ballet Comique inspired streetwear today? Well, fear not, my fellow tutu lovers! Here's what I managed to discover on my time travel adventures:

Dancing and Dress: Ballet Before Ballet 🩰👑

First things first, tutus were a long way off! The ladies were gliding and whirling around in exquisite "robes" and lavish "mantelets," imagine like a very stylish long coat. These were often decorated with elegant embellishments, sparkling gems, and exquisite embroidery, truly the "couture" of the day. The men? Well, they were adorned in dashing doublet-and-hose outfits with feathered hats and fancy boots. Let me tell you, it all made for a visually stunning spectacle!

But let’s talk dancing! Ballet at this point was less about jumps and turns and more about elegant, flowing, and even a little bit courtly, with elaborate steps and poses. Imagine swaying, flowing movements, as the dancers told stories through their grace and elegance, like an elegant waltzing conversation!

I even managed to “time-borrow" a few moves from "Le Ballet Comique," and I can tell you they’re sooooo stylish! Let’s just say you don't need a big tutus to look and feel gorgeous while performing, a well-chosen flowy dress, with a hint of embroidery and flair, is just perfect!

Where the magic began: Le Ballet Comique 🌟

Now, this historical ballet wasn’t your standard 45-minute performance. Oh no! It was more of a grand theatrical spectacular, and lasted over several hours. A bit too long, for me, honestly, but that’s a good excuse to take lots of fabulous pictures of historical costumes, I mean tutus. The “ballet” actually told the story of Cupid and Psyche through songs, poems, dances, and theatrical effects – talk about a full-fledged, multi-arts experience! It included scenes of goddesses, nymphs, gods, and monsters all performing gracefully on a giant stage. Sounds absolutely stunning, don't you think?

While we won’t see giant, fantastical sets and goddesses on our streets anytime soon, this "Ballet Comique" is where we can trace back those core values we still enjoy in modern ballets today: telling stories through dance, and using costumes and sets as powerful tools of narrative. That, my fellow ballet lovers, is something truly remarkable.

Beyond 1573: The Ballet Timeline 🩰⏰

Even though 1573 is our start point for ballet, I'm already on a mission to transport my tutus and travel back through time and explore even more exciting historical events in ballet!

I’ll be making another stop on our pink-tutu-themed journey – but where, and what awaits us? Let me know your suggestions for future pink tutu history trips – and maybe you'll be seeing me (and my tutu) performing some of these historic moves in the streets of Derbyshire soon! I’ll see you all next time!

Keep your tutus twirling!

Emma 💖

History of Ballet in 	1573