
Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1575

Pink Tutu Post #3: 1575 - The Year Ballet Took its First Steps!

Hello my darling dancers, and welcome back to Pink Tutu! Today we're twirling back in time, all the way to 1575! Can you believe it? Back then, there were no fluffy tutus, no pointe shoes, and the word 'ballet' didn't even exist! But there was a magical little spark of movement that was about to become our beloved ballet.

It all started at the court of Catherine de' Medici in France. You see, the royal family LOVED to have a good time, and they'd often throw grand parties. Think think grand ballrooms, twinkling chandeliers, delicious feasts...and plenty of entertainment! One of their favourite ways to celebrate was with 'ballets de cour', which is basically a super fancy dance show, a sort of early precursor to what we know as ballet today.

It wasn't just dancing; these spectacles were elaborate affairs full of amazing costumes, props, and a touch of storytelling. Can you imagine, my darlings? It was all a bit theatrical, with masks and everything! And of course, the queens and princes were all decked out in their finest attire. Now that's what I call fashion!

In 1575, Ballet Comique de la Reine - a famous "ballets de cour" - made a big splash in Paris. It's considered to be the FIRST REAL BALLET in history, wow! This show was extra special as it was all about love, with the dancers portraying gods, goddesses, and all sorts of fantastical creatures! It was a proper production with sets, costumes, and everything - they even brought in singers and musicians! I wish we could have travelled back to see it, just imagine the exquisite outfits and costumes. I wonder if they used pink! It wouldn't surprise me, the royal courts were all about lavish colours and glitter.

Although Ballet Comique de la Reine may have been the granddaddy of ballet, it's also important to note that dances inspired by the ballet de cour spread throughout Europe at this time. You see, all the royal courts wanted to copy the fancy-ness! It's like a domino effect, one queen to the next, and pretty soon everyone in Europe was wanting a ballet in their royal court!

Imagine my dear, what kind of outfits were they wearing? I can almost imagine delicate fabrics, maybe velvet or silk, with gold embroidery or sparkling gemstones! It must have been simply breathtaking. The ladies of the court, their silks flowing as they danced, maybe even in a blush pink shade! It would've been a visual delight.

So, my sweet ballerinas, 1575 was the year where ballet truly started taking centre stage. It was a magical time when creativity, passion, and dance united. And just wait until you hear what happens in our next post! Trust me, things just get more exciting and beautiful from here.

Remember, you can check out our amazing ballet history section here on pink-tutu.com, and I'm always happy to answer your questions.

Until next time, keep dancing your heart out!

With love,


P.S You can see the amazing creations of Ballet Comique de la Reine on our Pink Tutu fashion gallery on www.pink-tutu.com! Don't forget, there's a special Pink Tutu Quiz too for the budding history ballet fans! Just pop by our pinktutu.com. We are also now offering Pink Tutu dance classes in a special pink studio with everything you could possibly imagine to take your dance class experience to the next level! You can get to them using the information on the website! Now if you excuse me I'm off to my ballet performance, gotta pay those time-travel bills you know! I may even perform a few routines that might just make some folk do a double take. Do you think they'd wear a tutu in 1575?

History of Ballet in 	1575