
Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1583

Pink Tutu Blog: A Whirl Through Ballet History - Post #11: 1583 - The Dance Begins!

Hey, fellow tutu enthusiasts!

It's your girl Emma, back from another dazzling journey through time! I've just shimmied back from a thrilling trip to 1583, and oh boy, did we find some amazing ballet history!

Now, before we begin our twirling expedition, let's imagine a scene. It's 1583, you're strolling through the streets of, say, London, the cobblestones tick-tocking beneath your dainty boots (I always make sure to pack some comfy footwear when time travelling - the less I need to pack the better for my tutu). There are flags waving, markets buzzing, and people bustling. No dazzling shops brimming with leotards and tutus, I'm afraid! It's quite different from our ballet paradise, isn't it?

But back then, something magical was beginning to bubble, something that would forever change the world of dance. We are talking about ballet, darlings!

As a proper ballet-loving lass from Derbyshire, I have always loved finding out the story behind those iconic first steps, so I couldn't resist zipping off to this momentous year. This year marks the beginning of a real, tangible connection to the origins of ballet. In 1583, Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, hosted a grand court ball (and a fabulous time it must have been - fancy gowns, fine food and plenty of intrigue, you know how the French roll!) * This ball is believed to be one of the first, documented occasions where ballets as we know them today, took place.* I've never seen the grand court of Versailles, but I can imagine it positively sparkling with a blend of elegance and playful fun!

I do have a confession to make: I did find it a bit disconcerting that while I'm busy strutting my pink tutu, back then they weren't even called ballets, they were called "Baletti"! It feels a little strange! We have those Italians to thank for that beautiful little "t" added to the word - 'ballet', a name I can't imagine life without!

It seems the story begins with a group, il Ballet Comique de la Reine, taking the stage (or rather the royal court), which featured amazing, intricate costumes, breathtaking music (it's all in the music, girls!), and of course, that captivating movement that draws you into the world of dance. We may be living in the 21st century, but we have so much to thank those pioneering souls for - they planted those beautiful seeds of what ballet would blossom to become.

Now, imagine me, my dear tutus ( yes, I brought multiple tutus - just in case I wanted to change outfits while time-hopping) fluttering around, right there in 1583! It would be such a grand, amazing spectacle - and a complete break with what people expected from dance in those times. Think stately dances and waltzes - think intricate steps, not the whirlwind of excitement I imagine for a performance in a vibrant, modern world! But it must have been a thrilling spectacle, and an awe-inspiring occasion back then. They may not have had bright lights and a stage, but the imagination and beauty must have been just as extraordinary! And the energy must have been just as breathtaking - we just don't have those kinds of experiences now.

What did people wear in the 1580s? Well, imagine a symphony of shimmering silk and elegant velvet โ€“ ladies were sporting their fine fashion and gentlemen their powdered wigs (yes, those powdered wigs! They just look so wrong on men... ).

I must admit - when I look at portraits from the 16th Century and 1580s - I think they were way ahead of our fashion game with those extravagant gowns. Now that would be a look! A beautiful, graceful flowing tutu like an elegant waterfall. Just imagine... It almost feels a little too fantastical!

Although we are far from being able to wear our full-blown tutus (no, I haven't yet worked out the time travel for tutus - a major project for a later time!) what we have to remember is this beautiful start - the initial spark of what would develop into the breathtaking art we all love. I find it so incredibly moving to think how those dancers put their heart and soul into each performance - every step a tiny contribution to what ballet became.

So, fellow tutus-wearers, let's give a massive round of applause for those courageous souls in the 1580s, they brought us the dance we love. Now don your tutus and spin to the beautiful music of the world. Who knows what kind of magic we might conjure up!

I am always on the hunt for inspiration and looking for ideas - if any of you find some amazing ballet fashion in the 16th century ( you know, the amazing stuff you just find!) do send it over to me - my blog needs a fashion boost!

Catch you all next time, and don't forget to stay pink and sparkly!

Emma xo www.pink-tutu.com

History of Ballet in 	1583