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History of Ballet in 	1595

Pink Tutu Post #23: 1595 - The Dawn of a Ballet Dream! 🩰💕

Hello, my darling dance-loving darlings! Emma here, your very own Pink Tutu Princess, bringing you another captivating voyage through ballet history! This week, we're time-hopping all the way back to 1595, the year when the seeds of ballet as we know it were being sown, a fascinating era when the first steps towards the graceful art we love today were taking place. Now, grab your favourite cuppa (or a glass of sparkling pink lemonade, darling!) and let's delve into this exciting period, shall we?

From Courts to Theatres

Imagine the royal courts of Europe, shimmering with silk, the air filled with music, laughter and, dare I say, maybe a touch of intrigue? Well, these were the scenes where ballet was first taking centre stage, and, not as graceful steps as we imagine today, more like elaborately choreographed dances. Remember those amazing shows on Netflix like "Reign?" Think grand, ceremonial, theatrical dances for royalty, showcasing grace, strength and theatrical skill!

We can trace these early performances back to King Henry III of France, where he held lavish, elaborate events at the Chateau de Fontainebleau, and a Florentine ballet, the “Ballata dei Guerrieri,” which, oh, just think, included a magnificent tableau featuring a knight riding on a papier-mâché dragon. Talk about spectacular!

Now, before you imagine a full-blown pas de deux, these were more like fancy footwork and elegant movements, less about leaping, twirling and arabesque, but the key ingredient – expressing storytelling through dance – was definitely brewing.

Fast Forward to 1595!

This year sees a key moment: The Commedia dell'Arte! Think masked characters, hilarious scenarios and an overall celebratory vibe that captured audiences. Think, if you will, of those pantomime dames like Widow Twankey, oh darling, those hilarious, slightly saucy characters - and add in acrobatic flourishes and mime.

My fashion tip? If you're venturing back in time to this period, bring along a beautiful silk cloak with gold embellishments - very theatrical, just perfect! Think long flowing scarves that dance in the wind. Oh, the photoshoots in that period, delicious!

From Court to The Stage

This year also marked a turning point as these court dances started venturing onto the stages of public theatres! Think Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" or "Hamlet" with accompanying dance elements. Now that's truly intriguing, darling! Can you imagine Romeo and Juliet dancing out their love and sorrow? So romantic, don’t you think?

However, we are a good long way from pointe shoes and a swan lake pas de deux at this point. What we see in 1595, are early steps towards codified balletic movements. It was definitely all about theatrical impact, costumes, spectacle, and telling a story, and these elements, I believe, formed the foundation of what we recognise today as the ballet art form!

And what's on this year in the world of ballet?
  • The Birth of Theatrical Ballet : Let's take a moment to acknowledge, how fabulous that 1595 marks a pivotal turning point - where ballet leaves the confines of the royal court and takes to the theatre stage! Talk about expanding its horizons!
  • Masques and Performances: Masques were very much a "thing" then. think elaborately costumed, dance-filled pageant type shows, like, perhaps, a royal Christmas, darling. I'm picturing grand costumes, feathered headdresses, lots of dramatic movement... it’s positively magical.

A Pink Tutu Fashion Moment: My darlings, we can all find our own creative freedom when it comes to recreating a touch of 1595. Imagine adding a touch of lace trim or embroidery on your Pink Tutu for that Elizabethan touch? And a flowing cape in an accent color? Yes, darling, that is so us!

Street Performances, oh!: Think how fab it would be to incorporate this type of theatrical flair into my street ballet performances. Just a bit of mimes, characterisation, perhaps a touch of dramatic staging – we’re not talking fully choreographed, just a little theatrical element to bring a 1595 feeling into the present. Just imagine the expressions on the faces of onlookers!

Oh my darlings, this era really lays the foundation for everything that is ballet today. It is a fantastic step, dare I say, an elegant leap, in the grand progression of dance history! Stay tuned for next week's Pink Tutu blog post when we shall discover what magical ballet delights the next century will bring.

Until then, happy dancing!

Lots of pink-tutu love,

Emma 🩰💕

History of Ballet in 	1595