Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1605

Pink Tutu News - Post 33: Ballet in 1605 - A Year of Courtly Delights!

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing blogger Emma here, back with another blast from the past! Today we're diving into the captivating world of ballet back in 1605. Grab your fanciest teacup and join me for a whirl through the history books, a journey full of royal elegance, captivating court dances, and a little glimpse at the fashion of the day.

This year in ballet is like peering through a shimmering jewel. It wasn't a full-blown ballet as we know it today, of course, but the foundations were firmly in place. The art of dance was flourishing within the French and Italian courts, where they were creating beautifully intricate dances, like a swirling pink cloud. These movements were much less about leaping and jumping, and more about flowing grace and captivating gestures. Picture beautiful women in rich gowns, with their bodices laced so tightly they almost pinched, gracefully flowing around elegant gentlemen. It's an era of opulent dance - and just thinking about it sends a shiver down my spine!

Imagine my delight when I travelled to this time - the first time I danced on an actual historical cobbled street! Oh my goodness, the fashion, the fabrics! Velvet! Silks! And all the amazing hairstyles with intricate pearl and ruby combs, and sparkling tiaras that made even the humblest woman feel like a queen. The energy was captivating! People were enthralled by these grand court performances. You couldn't walk a block without seeing people twirling!

But the big star of 1605 in the ballet world was, of course, Queen Anne of Denmark - the queen of England, darling. You see, the woman had a penchant for the arts! She wasn’t just about being a monarch - she loved dancing! Anne loved putting on spectacular dance shows with amazing costumes - they were all the rage in the court! Imagine, being part of such a magical world!

Speaking of magic, imagine seeing dancers dressed in extravagant costumes adorned with intricate embroidery and dazzling jewels. I managed to get a little peek at the Queen's costume, and let me tell you - pure perfection. I bet the cost for these outfits would break even the wealthiest modern-day socialite. But wouldn’t it be a dream to own a dress like that?!

Speaking of the world of fashion, the 1600s were a fantastic era for all things feminine! Picture low-cut bodices revealing the most gorgeous décolletage and long, flowing sleeves. The silhouettes were so very beautiful!

Oh, darling, I can just picture myself stepping onto the stage in one of those flowing, elegant court gowns - and performing my street ballet in front of King James. Just imagine the astonished faces! Maybe they'd even ask for my autograph afterwards.

It’s no wonder these dances were popular – they were a symphony of beauty and elegance

As always, my dears, we can’t leave our historical explorations without discussing ballet shoes! In this era, the dancers performed on simple dance shoes – think soft leather, laced over the foot with pretty bows, just as delicate as the moves themselves. The beauty is, you could almost recreate these simple ballet slippers today. And if they can add beauty to dancing, why not in our everyday lives too? Let's all get some comfy little bows!

Speaking of shoes - I can't leave out a mention for my lovely little Pink Tutu fashion find on my 1605 travels. You won't believe what I stumbled across in a vintage store... a shoe, I'm telling you! Not just any shoe though. Imagine a sparkling pink stiletto that would even turn Cinderella green with envy. It was beaded and so sparkly I could see my reflection in it, darling. You bet I picked it up! And let me tell you, it went perfectly with my hot pink tutu, don’t you think?! I wonder if I can create a whole pink tutu shoes collection, like little miniature ballet slippers! Hmm.

Well, that's all from your very own pink tutu blogger for this week! I'm going to put on my vintage stilettos and dance down to the town square to plan my next exciting adventure. Remember, darlings, never be afraid to twirl! Stay beautiful and spread that pink love,

With much love, Emma


* P.S:* Did you know we're running a special on our fabulous line of pink tutus to celebrate our historical explorations? That's right! All tutus this month come with a 1605 themed sparkly crown for FREE! That's 50% off our sparkly crown collection. Just mention the Royal Ballet in your message when ordering on the site and you can make your own royalty dream come true! Don’t miss this exciting opportunity, dearies, grab those dancing shoes and twirl yourself into happiness. Just think how cute those crowns will look on your Instagram!

History of Ballet in 	1605