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History of Ballet in 	1613 Ballet History News #41 - 1613!

Hello darlings, Emma here, your very own pink tutu-wearing history buff, and this week, we're taking a whirl back to the fabulous year 1613! Let's go on a fabulous journey to uncover what the ballet world was looking like in this long-ago year, just imagine… tutues and pearls are dancing in my head.

We're not exactly in the full-blown golden age of ballet yet - we're still a bit early for the grandeur of Louis XIV's reign and those exquisite court ballets - but things are starting to get exciting!

Let me whisk you off to that year - 1613! Let's take a look at the ballet scene. What's happening on the dance floor? Where are we going to find the best fashion? And who are the amazing dancers that have already been stealing the show?

Let's dig in…

What Was On the Dance Floor?
  1. Imagine it… no tights or leotards! That doesn't mean dancers were barefooted! Think shoes, beautiful fabrics, elegant sleeves, and lots of ornamentation. It was like a high-society play with stunning choreography – not the technical brilliance of today, but full of grace and theatrical flair.

What kind of dance? Well, this was the era of court dances – like the volta, where you hold your partner's hand and spin and skip with a real show of playful energy, or the elegant coranto, with those oh-so-delicate stepping motions. I can almost picture it now!

Don’t worry, the ballets had stories. Think of Shakespearean drama… stories of love, rivalry, adventure, perhaps even a bit of mythology… but with movement. And guess what, some of the dance steps we use today originated around this time, even though they look much simpler and less adorned now. The history is truly fascinating

The Fashion - Ooh La La!

Ooh darling! Don’t you want to know what the dancers were wearing? Imagine this… lush silks draped with the richest velvets, adorned with sequined and feathered trimmings. It wasn’t necessarily about tight fitting, it was about elegant, flowing, lavish… pure fashion splendor. I bet it felt incredibly elegant.

If I were in the year 1613, I'd be rocking a gown crafted from silks and shimmering brocades, cinched at the waist and maybe even with a touch of gold embroidery to truly knock them dead. My hair would be styled high, adorned with intricate pearls and ribbons, ooh la la!

Imagine a world where your dancing attire is also your *stunningly fashionable outfit.

Think about this - ballet and fashion… completely intertwined.

Spotlight On Shows: 1613 -

The ballets themselves weren't just simple entertainment – they were huge social occasions. They happened at courts, in castles, at extravagant gatherings... and let's be real, they were the best way to see the newest and most exciting fashions!

Picture kings, queens, and noble ladies and gentlemen, all gathered to witness a ballet full of grace and theatricality, adorned with the very latest in lavish attire and jewels. And wouldn't you love to be at a party like that?

The social side of ballet - you’ll agree that this never changes!

The Dancers of 1613…

In 1613, imagine those beautiful people performing the ballets. Sadly, there’s little formal record of specific dancers, so their names might be lost to history… but their elegance and spirit certainly left an impact.

Think about them - with every pose and move, they would have shown incredible artistry, expressing passion, humour, joy, and heartache… All that, with no dance studio! Think about what their amazing talent must have looked like, a world away from today.

Traveling through time

I spend so much time travelling to other years, performing for people who are shocked by a ballerina in a pink tutu. This year… oh darling… imagine how strange it would feel! To be dancing with the ladies and gentlemen in their opulent attire, but dancing in a full pink tutu, all sequins and sparkle? It’s like another dimension. They'd be utterly confused… but who knows, perhaps they’d appreciate my flair for fashion. They could learn to embrace the power of pink. After all, I want to make the world a better place – one pink tutu at a time.

Well, darlings, that's 1613 for you - a snapshot into a world of lavish gowns, graceful moves, and some amazing storytelling. As I journey into future years - keep an eye on the blog. There’s much more ballet history to uncover! And always remember to rock that pink!

Keep it pink and glamorous, darlings,

Emma x

History of Ballet in 	1613