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History of Ballet in 	1641

Pink Tutu News, Issue 69: 1641 - A Year of Regal Steps! 🩰👑

Hello, darlings! Emma here, back with another pink-tastic delve into the fabulous history of ballet. This week we’re stepping back in time to a rather special year, 1641, when the world of dance began to truly blossom! It’s the year, my dears, that the first ever professional ballet company was founded – and you know what? That company, the Académie Royale de Danse, was in glorious Paris! How utterly divine! ✨

We're not just talking about any old dancers here, these were the creme de la crème, the crème brûlée of the dance world. They were called the ballets de cour, literally "court ballets," and they were commissioned by royalty, which means, of course, they were extravagantly costumed. Think feathers, brocades, silk, and velvet in shades of lavender, emerald green, and – drumroll please – oh my darlings, a sprinkle of blush pink! 💗

You can imagine the exquisite costumes – probably with some glorious tulle, which we know was definitely being made in France at that time. Just imagine! Can you picture it? A dance filled with exquisite grace, performed in a lavish setting for the amusement of royalty? Well, we can, and it sounds simply divine! 💖

Let’s travel back in time for a moment, and imagine the excitement in 1641 as Paris hummed with the anticipation of this new dance company. The royal court would have been in a flutter, looking their very best, ready for a truly dazzling evening. They'd be decked out in elaborate clothing and exquisite jewelry – the men all sporting flamboyant velvet jackets and the ladies sporting magnificent gowns. Just imagine the buzz in the air! ✨

For this week's look, my darlings, I’m thinking of a very theatrical silhouette, all elegant lines and feminine drama. Let's pair a powder pink tulle tutu with a silky blush pink crop top, complete with an array of antique gold embellishments. Add some pearl earrings and a little lace choker for that exquisite, elegant touch – a look that would befit even the most discerning Parisian! 💖

So, if you're feeling the urge to twirl, embrace the spirit of this fascinating era. Find your own little piece of Parisian elegance, and don’t be afraid to unleash your inner ballerina, my darlings! Remember, the world is your stage – so let those tutus flow! ✨

Now, before I slip into a Parisian dream, let's chat about some of the shows that would have been gracing the Parisian stages back in 1641. Imagine: Ballet was just blossoming! 🌱

It would be a period of exploration, experimenting with new dance steps, storytelling, and the magic of theatre! We might see plays with dancing, courtly dances like the Minuet and Pavane, and even the beginnings of more dramatic stories – like those with beautiful characters, incredible scenery, and just a touch of romance, my darlings! 🥰

I wonder if they had fashion shows in Paris, then? Would it be a whirlwind of pastel shades, delicate fabrics, and the glimmering of diamonds? We might see velvet and silk being woven in vibrant colors, while designers, perhaps, are crafting the first true tutus. Wouldn’t that be amazing? The birth of fashion in a world that was beginning to truly embrace the beautiful movement of dance. How elegant! 💕

Remember, darlings, fashion isn't just what we wear, it's a reflection of our personality, a way to express ourselves through color and form. I imagine the ladies of the court using fashion to express their elegance and their status, a dazzling tapestry of fabric and jewel. So much inspiration for us to pull from, my dears! ✨

Oh, speaking of inspiration, we can't forget about the street performances, my dears! Did you know that people in 1641 probably loved to dance as much as we do? Just imagine a small square bustling with a crowd, perhaps gathered to watch a lively, energetic dance performance. A dance show set to a rhythm of bells and tambourines – a vibrant, colorful display of pure joy! 💖

Isn’t it fantastic to think how even back then, ballet was something for everyone? No matter what your station in life, everyone could come together to appreciate the joy of dancing. Imagine yourself dancing on those cobblestones, the music driving you, and the feeling of pure joy flowing through your limbs. It’s enough to make you want to take a whirl right here and now, wouldn't you say? 💖

As we look back on 1641, it’s incredible to see how ballet was taking its first confident steps onto the world stage. The establishment of the first professional ballet company in Paris marked a milestone in the history of this beautiful art form. What started as a form of entertainment for the courts grew into something so much more.

For me, 1641 was just the start of a beautiful journey of ballet. There’s still so much more to explore, so many more incredible stories to discover – stories of dance, of beauty, of passion, and, of course, of tutus. It's like opening the doors of an endless ballroom, filled with enchanting melodies and elegant dancers. Oh my darlings, don’t you just want to join in and dance the night away?

Stay tuned for our next edition, as we travel further through time and discover even more enchanting secrets from the history of ballet! Don’t forget, my dears, ballet is a universal language of beauty, grace, and joy, and we're all part of that grand dance – even if we’re not quite stepping onto a Parisian stage just yet. 😉

Until then, keep dancing! 💕

Emma xx

History of Ballet in 	1641