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History of Ballet in 	1646 - Post #74: A Tutu-tiful Trip Back to 1646! 🩰💕

Hey everyone! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina, back with another dazzling delve into the enchanting world of ballet history!

Today, we're travelling back in time to a truly revolutionary year for dance – 1646! Now, you might be wondering, "Emma, isn't that way before ballet even existed?" Well, hold on to your tutus, because this year saw the very first steps towards what we now know as ballet, so hold onto your tutus, my lovelies! It's a fascinating story of how, like the opening of a pas de deux, dance began to take shape, leading us towards the graceful pirouettes and powerful leaps we cherish today!

Ballet's First Glimmers: A Courtly Debut

Imagine, if you will, the grand, ornate courts of France. The king and his noble guests gathered for opulent events, their days filled with grand pageantry, music and, yes, dancing!

In 1646, something rather exciting happened – the introduction of a new kind of court dance, later known as Ballet de cour. These ballets were more than just a series of steps, dear readers! Think theatrical performances, showcasing costumes and storylines inspired by classical mythology and tales of chivalry, often performed with incredible extravagance.

These "ballet-plays," as they were sometimes called, were created as grand entertainment for the court and would often combine poetry, music, dance and elaborate set designs, setting the stage for future theatrical forms of dance!

Now, imagine these performances unfolding in exquisite gardens with fountains playing music and twinkling lights! The ladies would dance with such grace, wearing gorgeous dresses in hues of velvet and silk, and gentlemen with their elegant plumed hats, making their court bows to the music! Imagine, darling! Such elegant beauty. It's like stepping into a beautiful Renaissance painting. 💖

### From Courtly Balls to Ballet as We Know it

So, you see, 1646 marked a crucial stepping stone. It saw dance transform from being purely about graceful movement to becoming a captivating form of theatrical art! It sparked the flame that, after several decades of evolution, would blossom into the ballet we adore today. Think of it as the delicate "développé" leading to the impressive "grand jeté" of ballet history!

A Look at Ballet Fashion in 1646:

Now, let's chat fashion! Courtly attire was, of course, everything. 1646 was a time when exquisite fabrications were de rigueur. The ladies of the court were seen in exquisite gowns, all in sumptuous silk, velvet, satin, adorned with pearls, lace, ribbons and beautiful embroidery. And don’t forget the gentlemen! They looked dashing in elaborate breeches and doublets adorned with lace and, my absolute favourite, lavishly feathered hats! Oh, I would give anything to spend an evening dancing amongst such fine fashion in the Grand Ballroom! 😍

Ballet Shows to See (Then and Now!)

As much as I adore history, I simply love watching a beautiful show! And guess what? You can even witness the elegance of this era on stage right now! There are so many modern choreographers who draw inspiration from those first ballets, so keep an eye out for captivating stories and exquisite movement.

As for 1646 itself? Well, my darlings, there were no designated "ballet companies" yet, as we understand them today. Performances were crafted for special events, a glorious blend of dance and spectacle within the heart of the royal court.

What's in Store for Our Tutu-filled Future

So, darling readers, 1646 gave birth to a movement, a vision of dance as entertainment, and ignited the passionate journey towards the ballets we see today! We can celebrate those early steps, with our tutus fluttering, and recognise how that spark has continued to burn, leading us to the ballet world we love today! 💖

Do you see, my dears? Even those very first ballet moments – so small, yet so significant, show just how magical our love for ballet really is! We will be delving deeper into our ballet history and exploring all things dance!

What’s more, there is an enchanting exhibit at The British Museum about clothing in 1646! They are celebrating all aspects of fashion! So pop down if you are looking for something exciting to do and indulge in all the amazing fashions from this amazing year in history!

As for me? You'll find me twirling down a Parisian street, wearing my tutu of course, in the hopes of spreading some tutu love and inspiring everyone to embrace their inner dancer!

Remember to pop by again next week to see our latest blog on ballet fashion! Stay safe and wear a tutu! 💖

Emma, xx

History of Ballet in 	1646