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History of Ballet in 	1658 - Post #86: A Royal Ballet Boom! - 1658 🩰💖

Hey there, lovelies! It’s your girl Emma from Derbyshire, here to bring you the latest from the magical world of ballet. Buckle up, darlings, as we twirl through time, landing in the fabulous year of 1658! Now, let’s all grab our pinkest tutus, spin around, and dive into the captivating ballet world of almost 400 years ago! 💖

Royal Ballerinas and the "Académie Royale de Danse"

Oh, 1658 was such a fascinating time! We see a massive boost in ballet popularity. The royal court of France is seriously obsessed, which makes sense, right? Ballerinas and the graceful art of dancing were at the heart of their courtly life!

A major development? King Louis XIV decides to set up this incredible dance school called "Académie Royale de Danse". It’s basically the coolest ballet academy of the day! Can you imagine how exciting it must have been for all the aspiring ballerinas in France?

Imagine the sheer joy of all those talented young girls with a passion for ballet having a dedicated place to learn. Now, how fabulous is that? I’d love to take a class in that academy! We’d get a fantastic, royal workout! 🩰💖

From Courtly Affairs to Theatrical Revelations!

You see, at this point in time, ballet wasn't the massive stage performance it is today. It was mostly seen in grand courts and formal gatherings.

This year marks a change though. Imagine the thrill, the anticipation - ballet starts being performed in front of paying audiences for the first time in public theaters! Think of it as the first step towards our beloved West End productions! Isn't that a thrilling turn of events? 💖

Fashion of the Era - A Peek Into The Past!

In terms of ballet fashion, 1658 wasn’t a tutu extravaganza just yet! Now, I adore all tutus, every style and length, but back then it was all about extravagant, theatrical gowns. They weren’t short and airy like our contemporary designs, but they were beautifully elaborate. Can you imagine the gorgeous silks, velvets, and ribbons of those costumes?

Imagine these costumes with beautiful ornamentation, and flowing designs made from such rich materials! While tutus may have been a few centuries away, their beginnings are found in those dramatic gowns - the foundations of all the elegant fashion in ballet! 💕

What to See and What to Shop: 1658 - a Retro Ballet Guide!

Alright, fashionistas! I’m going to spill the tea on the best things to wear this year, 1658!

  1. Grand Dresses: Imagine silk and lace, a symphony of color! A grand ball gown, adorned with exquisite embellishments. And darling, you have to wear it with confidence. You want to be the star of the show, the most fabulous ballet-inspired fashionista in the room! 💃

  2. Hats Galore: Think of this as an era of serious headwear! Whether a beautiful beret, a stylish wig, or an eye-catching hat with a delicate veil, accessories make a statement. Remember, it's all about those fine details! 👒

  3. Elegant Shoes: 1658 didn't have pointe shoes - those will come a little later in history - but ballet dancers of the time would've worn something light and soft like satin slippers. Just think of the feeling on your feet! 🤩

  4. Themed Entertainment: Although no iconic ballets like Swan Lake or Giselle are yet around in 1658, here's what you can expect! Courts might have put on enchanting dances inspired by myths and legends, or dances telling stories of heroic deeds! Think of it as a ballet version of Shakespearean plays!

Traveling Back Through Time:

Of course, dear darlings, a true ballet history enthusiast never just reads - you've got to live it! But don't worry, there's no need to travel in a time machine (though I think that's brilliant!) You can bring 1658 to life with these easy-peasy ideas:

  1. Go see a ballet show: Now, we don't have royal courts anymore, but there are fantastic modern-day productions featuring classic ballets inspired by that very same historical era! Don't forget to capture a pic in your prettiest pink tutu at the theatre!

  2. Do a themed dance workshop: Take a dance class and work on classic movements, learn about ballet history, and maybe even have a go at adapting some 1658 courtly moves! So much fun for any age and ability.

  3. Explore fashion: Look for contemporary designs that echo those opulent gowns of the past. Imagine pairing a gorgeous modern gown with ballet-inspired accessories, for a touch of vintage glamour! Now that's what I call fashion fusion! 💕

Now, my darling readers, don’t forget, if you see me out and about in a pink tutu, be sure to say hello! Remember to love your style, let your inner ballerina shine, and always keep twirling! 💖 Until next time, remember, darling, you're fabulous in every shade of pink!

History of Ballet in 	1658