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History of Ballet in 	1661

Pink Tutu Post #89: 1661 - A Year of Beginnings, Ballerinas, and Beautiful Bows!

Hey beautiful ballet bunnies! Emma here, your favourite Derbyshire dancer with a passion for pink tutus and a touch of time travel. Today, we’re twirling back to a truly momentous year in the history of ballet – 1661!

Think about it, dear darlings – a time when petticoats were practically mountains of frills, the scent of jasmine and lavender wafted through cobbled streets, and a magnificent king ruled the French court with a love for dance. You’re probably already picturing the grace and glamour – and you wouldn’t be wrong!

Now, 1661 was the year of The Royal Academy of Dance, established by Louis XIV – our very own Sun King, who himself was a dedicated dancer. He was, in fact, quite the fashion icon, popularizing the “petit court” and the sautoir style. Think flowing gowns, beautiful lace, and that incredible Parisian flair. Talk about inspiration, right?! This Academy not only put French ballet on the map but also elevated dancers from the entertainment of the streets to the highest realms of art. Think about it, ladies – these ballerinas became not just dancers but true artists.

The year 1661 is significant not just for its groundbreaking establishment but also because it saw a truly delightful innovation - the ballet de cour. This delightful combination of courtly ceremonial dance and theatricality involved elaborate costumes and sets. The grand dances held within lavish palaces would have been absolute feasts for the eyes, think layers and layers of opulent fabric, with perhaps a touch of golden embroidery - ah! You know I adore a touch of sparkle.

Speaking of elegance, did you know the Academy of Dance was the very first place that officially began choreographing dance using the traditional steps and vocabulary we use today? I can only imagine the wonderment, the pure delight, and the thrill of these early ballerinas mastering those beautiful ballet positions. It must have felt truly revolutionary – the perfect marriage of movement and artistry.

I couldn't imagine anything more charming than watching these dances in their opulent grandeur, right? In my imagination, I can picture myself whirling through those grand halls, the scent of jasmine and the sounds of a graceful pas de bourrée echoing around me – pure delight, I tell you!

Imagine those amazing dancers strutting their stuff at Versailles! The opulent grandeur, the elegance, and the elegance - It just wouldn’t be a proper French court without the graceful presence of these ballerinas.

Oh, how I wish I could time travel back and see it all! Well, dear darlings, I can only imagine - just for now, until my next performance funds my next time trip!

You see, back in the 17th century, ballet wasn’t all about those perfectly manicured ballet steps! Oh, it involved dancing with so much grandeur and artistry. Just picture a ballet ballet de cour, or better yet, les ballets a la francaise, in a lavish palace - imagine a spectacle of opulent dresses, majestic decorations and even perhaps a little theatre. Now, doesn't that just sparkle?

The story doesn't end there. The fashion scene of 1661 was equally exciting. Fashionable court ladies wore stunning outfits that emphasised their elegant frames. You know I love those beautiful frilly collars, beautifully adorned skirts - and the most exquisite shoes! I just can’t get over that touch of panache, you can imagine, in all the right places, right? And these bows – don’t get me started on the bows! It seems that just like today, back then fashion played a big part in everything, especially with something as lovely as ballet.

So, imagine yourself in the salon of 1661, darling – you’re surrounded by graceful ladies, with all those delightful frills and ruffles! A stunning array of bows, lovely gowns, the elegant sweep of those fabrics as these gorgeous ballerinas perform a captivating dance, and music that melts your heart - what a breathtaking scene, isn’t it?!

In this amazing world of 1661, ballet became more than just entertainment – it transformed into an art form! As for the future – well, it held a promise of elegance, creativity and most importantly, more amazing ballet shoes, tutus, and fashion! This is only the start of the incredible journey that is ballet! Remember, it's all about making a statement with a magnificent pink tutu, don't you agree?!

And as always, remember darling - embrace the graceful spirit of dance, dress in something magnificent, and remember - we are all, in our own ways, dancing towards a beautiful future.

Until next time, Emma xo

History of Ballet in 	1661