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History of Ballet in 	1676

Pink-Tutu Post #104: A Time-Travelling Tutu Tale: 1676

Hello my lovelies, and welcome back to another episode of Pink-Tutu, your one-stop shop for all things ballet, fashion, and fabulousness! Today, I'm slipping on my time-travelling tutu (it's a special one, pink with a shimmering emerald trim – trust me, it's magical!) and taking us back to the year 1676. We're going to explore the exciting world of ballet at the time, and let me tell you, darling, there were some incredible innovations happening!

Now, imagine, if you will, Derbyshire in the 1600s. Rolling green hills, quaint villages, and perhaps a bit chilly for a tutu, but, wouldn't a bright pink tutu just brighten up the countryside? Imagine if people would've all started to wear tutus! Can you even imagine the fun! I have such a vision, don't you! My vision! Back to 1676 ...

A Parisian Whirlwind

Forget your traditional ballets for a moment, because 1676 wasn't about tutus. Instead, think grandeur and spectacle! That year, Louis XIV, the King of France, launched the Académie Royale de Danse. This wasn't just your average dance academy; this was the launch of an incredible era where ballet was given an official place in high society! This was the turning point.

Picture elegant Parisian ballrooms, ornate costumes, and dancing with an undeniable theatrical flourish. Ballet became a full-fledged art form! No more was it simply entertainment for the peasants; it became the entertainment of choice for the high and mighty! The King himself was a patron of the arts, he was a keen dancer, too, who used ballet as a form of power and diplomacy. Think "political power meets fabulous steps!"

Imagine if the King had known about tutus, imagine what he would've thought? Such amazing dancewear, would he have incorporated them into his dance troupe, how magnificent a vision!

The Birth of Choreography

Now, one of the coolest things happening in ballet in 1676 was the birth of proper choreography! That means organised and carefully planned dances, unlike the more impromptu improvisational dances of the past. This gave dancers an amazing new opportunity to express themselves with every step! Imagine all those exciting new possibilities for footwork and fancy footwork!

Think elegant pirouettes and expressive grand jetés - it was the dawn of a new era in ballet where grace and precision were valued just as much as the grandeur and flamboyance! This was the starting point of the ballets we love today - so fascinating!

The Fashion Factor

Ah, the costumes, you ask? While we weren't quite seeing tutus in their current form, you can imagine my excitement! Imagine ladies dressed in elaborate gowns, intricate hairstyles, and lavish jewelry - just wait till I find a time machine and get the chance to bring back those designs! Now, 1676 was all about embellishment, a style I can totally relate to! You know me and a little sparkle - nothing beats it!

The ballet world of 1676 saw a rise of the men’s dance fashion. Can you imagine! I would be mesmerized! We saw embroidered jackets, tassels, lace-trimmed stockings. I love this type of extravagance, especially in the dancewear! My favorite time period. So I really need to figure out a way to combine some 1676 elegance into a pink tutu - I would just feel amazing!

Dance On Stage and in the Streets!

And speaking of amazingness, darling, ballet wasn’t limited to grand ballrooms! 1676 saw street performances, which were an incredible way for people to engage with the arts, so if I ever decide to do a show there! I would do it in a pink tutu to give everyone inspiration! They could wear all sorts of pink, why don’t we all start to wear tutus in street dances? What a fantastic image that would be! It’s all about bringing the fabulousness into the every day world. Imagine, street performers in 1676, with a backdrop of stunning natural landscapes, using the space and scenery of their surroundings to create a dynamic performance - now that’s inspiring!

Imagine a stage set with rolling fields as a backdrop, perhaps a stately castle overlooking the performance. A touch of pink could really elevate the artistry. You’ll have to try and find a performance there and see if you can catch a bit of that! It’ll be fun for you! Imagine the thrill of seeing people in different colours and different shapes moving and expressing themselves so creatively. This reminds me that a pink tutu really can make anything more fabulous.

My Time-Traveling Finds

I am so obsessed with ballet in 1676 - it really brings a whole new dimension to what I already adore. Ballet fashion in particular has totally got my fashionista side fired up - I would love to get some ideas for a new pink tutu creation - and as for choreography, well it’s just a brilliant reminder that every step in ballet history matters, no matter how big or small!
It’s fantastic to discover these historical moments through a pink-tutu perspective - you really get the sense that no matter how much fashion or time might change - the beauty of dance and its expressiveness - they’re here to stay. I’m so excited about this era in history, because it is what created what we love and what inspires me today! I can’t wait to discover what comes next!

That's it for today, lovelies! Stay tuned for more exciting stories from the world of ballet! Until then, may your days be filled with grace and sparkles. And, of course, pink tutus!

Remember, if you've been inspired by ballet, don't forget to wear a pink tutu! Let's bring a little bit of ballet magic into our everyday lives!

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

History of Ballet in 	1676