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History of Ballet in 	1679

Pink Tutu Post #107: 1679 – A Year of Grace and Elegance 🩰

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-wearing ballet enthusiast, and today we're time-hopping back to a most charming era: 1679! Get ready for a journey through time, exploring the beginnings of a ballet world filled with regal grace, intricate footwork, and an absolute abundance of exquisite fashion.

I just love getting dressed up in my own pink tutu to journey back to these times. There's a reason this era inspires my pink tulle creations! The world of dance in 1679 was captivatingly regal, with all the grandeur and elegance of the French court. Imagine the ladies with their powdered wigs and lavish silk gowns, swirling gracefully in exquisite ballrooms under the twinkling glow of crystal chandeliers. You know I'm picturing a very vibrant and dramatic set of shows from this time!

This year, 1679, saw the inauguration of the Académie Royale de Danse in Paris – the royal dance academy. A pivotal moment for ballet, this meant formal instruction for aspiring dancers, with focus on technique, poise, and elegance. Can you imagine getting the opportunity to train in such a grand, structured setting? Just thinking about it gets my heart beating fast!

Now, you might think ballet would have been primarily practiced in those grand ballrooms, and while that's true, the French were already exploring taking it to the stage. Imagine all the gorgeous fabrics, delicate movements and stories played out! It was a true treat for the eyes. Speaking of stages, I do have to mention a new arrival on the scene. I’m not sure they would wear pink tutus, but it seems the Comédie-Française, which is in the middle of celebrating its 350th birthday this year, brought its amazing brand of French storytelling, a new building in 1679!

Talking of amazing stories! If I were to jump on a time travel journey I would find myself swept away in a dance that embodies that captivatingly elegant spirit of 1679, I would love to see a grand ball of course, with my trusty time-traveling pink tutu, in my suitcase and I know that with some clever disguises I’d be able to join in! Imagine the music, the waltzing, the swirling and twirling as ladies in their exquisite ball gowns navigate a labyrinth of bows and curtsies.

Oh, let’s talk about the amazing clothes worn by the men and ladies who attend these spectacular balls and shows! Imagine shimmering satin, delicate lace, and shimmering jewels. Now I’ve gone and inspired myself for a new tutu. Maybe I will even get an antique lace appliqué!

Just picture it - those incredible ballroom settings with the beautiful costumes and then you add that theatrical drama of stories playing out on stage. I could even add some lovely, billowing silk fabric to the skirt of my pink tutu, you know! It would look wonderful!

As I wander down a fashionable avenue of 1679 Paris, I would love to see a fashionable tailor – but a bespoke tailor of that time. Think fine cloth, hand stitching and delicate lace embroidery! They have an interesting trend with some garments – panniers. Imagine, skirts with even MORE billows. I wonder how those dancers got about the stage in all those wonderful, huge skirts. Maybe they've got secret, cleverly built in steps underneath them? There's no time to daydream now because my journey in time has got to come to a close. It's always so good to catch up on some ballet history – the costumes are always the thing I’m fascinated by. Who knows where my time travels will take me next week. You won't want to miss it, so head over to next Tuesday to join me!

History of Ballet in 	1679