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History of Ballet in 	1686

Pink Tutu Post #114: 1686 – The Birth of Ballet as We Know It!

Hello, darling dancers! Emma here, your pink-tutu-wearing historian extraordinaire, back from another whirlwind adventure through time! This time, we're taking a twirl right back to 1686, the year that marked the dawn of ballet as we know it. Buckle up your pointe shoes, darlings, because this one's a real gem!

Now, you might think ballet's always been about those beautiful, flowing tutus and graceful, athletic movements, but in 1686, it was still quite a different scene! Picture a lavish court, filled with grand lords and ladies in their most extravagant finery, and at the centre, dancers in opulent costumes, perhaps a little less "en pointe" and more "strutting their stuff".

That's because 1686 was the year King Louis XIV, the Sun King himself, established the Académie Royale de Danse. Talk about a game-changer! It wasn't just a dance school, it was an official, recognised academy, and suddenly, ballet became elevated to the status of art!

But the revolution didn't stop there. It also brought in the legendary Pierre Beauchamp, whose mind, like the pirouettes of a ballerina, was filled with new ideas. Beauchamp's contribution to ballet was nothing short of revolutionary! He started recording dance steps systematically using a notation called "Beauchamp Notation", so they could be passed down and learned more easily. Imagine learning a new step, recording it, and then years later, someone could pick up your notebook and learn it perfectly! Brilliant, right? This was truly the birth of a formalised ballet technique and one of the most important milestones in ballet history!

What would ballet look like in this era? Let's imagine it. The costumes would be magnificent, possibly a little heavier and less flexible, with maybe even feathered plumes or jewel-encrusted embroidery. Think layers upon layers of gorgeous, glittering fabrics, creating a dazzling, almost royal, air!

If we were able to hop into a time machine and check out the dance scene back in 1686, imagine what the hot fashion trends would be? I picture grand gowns with extravagant bustles, panniers giving the perfect shape, and jewels sparkling like stars on a summer's night!

Of course, none of us would be dancing en pointe quite yet - those beautiful pointe shoes were still centuries away! Imagine how excited our little ballerina toes would be for that innovation!

Speaking of ballet's grandeur, just imagine if we could attend a royal performance in the era! The atmosphere must have been electrifying! Think candlelight, twinkling reflections off exquisite gowns, and the rhythmic music carried through the grand halls! Perhaps even the King and Queen themselves gracing the theatre with their presence, making this an occasion to remember!

So, you see, my lovely tutu enthusiasts, even before the romantic era, ballet was starting to show its grace and charm, all the way back in 1686! It's incredible how this art form evolved over centuries, and it's even more incredible to imagine the magnificent history that has unfolded, just waiting for us to discover!

Don't forget to stay tuned, my darling dancers, for more exciting journeys through time on! And as always, keep those tutus pink, those steps light, and those spirits bright! Remember, every step is a journey and every dance is a celebration. See you all next time!

Yours in twirling delight,

Emma xx

History of Ballet in 	1686