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History of Ballet in 	1697

Pink Tutu Post #125: 1697 - A Year of Beginnings in the World of Ballet!

Hello my darling tutu-loving darlings! Emma here, back again from my latest trip through the annals of ballet history! This week I'm bringing you news from 1697 - a year brimming with beginnings, whispers of ballet as we know it today, and an abundance of fashionable delights!

First up, let's chat about where I popped out this week - Paris, darling! The city of lights, love and... well, the birth of the first publicly funded ballet school! Can you imagine? All those budding ballerinas getting their pirouette on in a professionally supported setting! It was all thanks to King Louis XIV who established the Académie Royale de Danse, and with it a standardised ballet curriculum, meaning we were finally on our way to a consistent form of ballet instruction across the land!

And of course, this wouldn't be a post without discussing fashion, right? The 1690s were a gloriously extravagant time! Imagine flowing, elaborate skirts with intricate embroidery and decadent fabrics. Lace was the word of the day, embellishing everything from sleeves to headdresses! Just like today, fashion was about showcasing elegance and refinement. Now, even though my modern tutu might make them raise their eyebrows, there's no doubt my 17th century counterparts would be admiring its flow and feminine charm.

But where to see these stylish, graceful figures in motion? Well, for starters, the Opéra de Paris was brimming with balletic brilliance! Though they didn't quite have a ballet bar for all that leaping and pirouetting, the costumes were incredible! The courtly, elegant designs, reminiscent of the Renaissance, would be simply breathtaking! The stage design was full of colour and spectacle too, no doubt featuring ornate backdrops with theatrical grandeur - a feast for the eyes indeed!

Beyond the professional stage, it seems that ballrooms across France were pulsating with life. Balls, galas, and lavish parties were all the rage. Imagine waltzing with your beau in a silk gown and a pair of lace-up pumps, the gentle lilt of classical music echoing through the hall. The dancing was no longer a rigid, formal courtly dance, but began to embrace fluidity and expression - much like what we see in contemporary ballet today!

And now for a little bit of me and my fabulous travels: My visit to Paris in 1697 was quite the whirlwind, my darlings! Imagine the looks I got when I zipped past those beautifully coiffed, lace-embellished ladies with my vibrant pink tutu billowing behind me! A couple of impromptu street performances definitely helped to soften their surprise! Who knows, maybe they even inspired some of them to dance!

Oh, the sights! The sounds! It was all too overwhelming to take in. A glimpse of history in the making. The stage for ballet was truly being set for what was to become the incredible world of ballet as we know it today. I, of course, couldn't leave without purchasing some of those delightful, exquisitely made silk flowers. Imagine a simple updo adorned with silk lilies, carnations, and peonies - it’s just breathtaking!

Next week, I'm taking a little jaunt over to London. Maybe I'll finally find some fabulous theatrical productions, perhaps even meet a charming gent or two with a penchant for the theatrical and, dare I say, a fondness for pink! And you just know I'll be scouring those antique shops for something sparkly and vintage to share with all of you!

Until next time, my dears, keep your spirits high, your hearts open and, of course, don’t forget to rock your fabulous tutus!

With all my love,

Emma xx

PS: Do share your thoughts on the wonders of 1697 ballet history and tell me about your own pink tutu style - you can catch me on Instagram at @EmmaPinkTutu and share all your ballet-fashion wisdom.

And don’t forget to subscribe to for the very latest updates on all things ballet, history, and, of course, tutus! See you next time for another exciting trip through history!

History of Ballet in 	1697