
Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1700

Pink Tutu Post #128: A Whirl Through Ballet in 1700! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’•

Hello my lovely dancers! It's your favourite tutu-clad blogger, Emma, here, and I'm thrilled to be taking you on a journey through time! We're travelling back to the glorious year 1700, and boy, are we in for a treat! Imagine it, a world where the art of ballet was still in its blossoming stages! I'm all ready in my shimmering pink tutu, ready to twirl through the history books, so buckle up!

A Peek at the Stage ๐ŸŽญ

You know, my fellow ballet aficionados, 1700 was all about grandeur! The French court, in particular, was obsessed with lavish dance performances, where the royal family was the ultimate audience! It was an era when kings and queens flocked to watch performances where grace and elegance were truly the order of the day! The dancers themselves, primarily men, were called 'ballet masters,' and boy, were they the stars of the show! They used a dramatic combination of steps, gestures and expressions to truly capture the spirit of the performances. Imagine them gracefully prancing around, adorned with flowing silks and brocades, like real-life fairytale characters! โœจ

The Ballet 'Hot Spots'

Oh darling, if we were transported back to 1700, we wouldn't just want to watch those beautiful performances. We'd need to immerse ourselves in the vibrant social scene! Think grand balls where the music, the dresses and of course, the dancing, were utterly captivating! Imagine elegant dances held in grand, glittering halls and the beautiful dances and elegant outfits!

And if you thought it was all fancy French affairs, think again, dearies! Italy was also a bustling centre for dance during this period, renowned for its spectacular ballets performed for audiences of every social strata! I'd be popping into the theatres of Venice and Rome, just to get a peek at all the fashion and dance and immerse myself in all those incredible ballets.

The Ballet Fashion Scene ๐Ÿ‘—๐Ÿ‘ 

Ah, 1700s ballet fashion! Now this is where I'd truly shine, darling! Imagine silk gowns, exquisite embroidery, and elaborate wigs! Talk about a dazzling scene, dearies!

The French dancers were particularly famous for their beautiful costumes. You see, their elaborate wigs, which were almost as big as their grand hairstyles, are the stuff of legends! And what about the opulent embellishments? Oh, the jewels, the lace and the stunning velvet, my darling, just a feast for the eyes!

Now, as for my dear Derbyshire home, we weren't lagging behind in the fashion stakes! Think embroidered fabrics and those gorgeous silk gowns! We were, of course, also indulging in those oh-so-charming dancing lessons. What I wouldn't give to be in those salons! Imagine all those elegant dancers twirling to the most charming music! Just a thought that makes this little pink-tutu-clad blogger dream.

A Little Fashion Fun ๐Ÿ’•

Oh, and let's not forget, 1700 was the birth of the ballerina's skirt! Talk about a revolutionary design, darling! Gone were the days of men doing the twirling. This lightweight, airy skirt, designed for a lady, opened the door for the most stunning dance routines, offering freedom of movement and elegance we'd come to adore. Talk about a game-changer, darling! The birth of a feminine revolution!

And who could forget those lovely lace-up ballet slippers? Now, I've already got mine out, just so I can step into the elegant foot steps of our dancers from back then! It's incredible how the footwear revolutionized ballet, ensuring both grace and strength in every graceful move!

My Time Travelling Plans โœˆ๏ธ

This blog might just be a digital haven, darlings, but I'm certainly dreaming of jumping back to 1700! To be dancing among those exquisite ballet companies, that's a true fantasy. Now, as I often do, my trip is planned in great detail - every last detail! Just think, my pink tutu in the middle of all those court dances. Oh, the grand balls, the music, and all those glittering jewels and outfits! Oh my dear, it's just too perfect!

Until then, darling, I'll be dreaming of 1700! I can almost imagine those French courts, the Italian theatres, and the amazing English saloons. And oh, how I'd love to catch a glimpse of those dancers - the true ballet masters and the gorgeous ballerina with the stunning skirts, in the graceful steps they danced. The very roots of all we love today!

*Join me, darlings, in remembering the roots of ballet, and let's twirl our way into the future, full of dreams and those stunning pink tutus! *

Till next time, my lovelies!

History of Ballet in 	1700