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History of Ballet in 	1717

Pink Tutu Post #145: A Trip Back to 1717 - Where the Magic Begins!

Hello my lovely tutu-lovers! Emma here, your Derbyshire gal, back with another dazzling delve into the history of ballet, and this time we're going right back to the 1717. Imagine, 305 years ago, before pointe shoes, before those exquisite tutus with all their frills, before, well, the entire ballet world as we know it! 🩰

This year, my darlings, is actually quite a crucial one for ballet, because this is when it took a major step towards becoming the incredible art form we cherish today. Imagine being a fashionable Parisian woman in 1717. Imagine the excitement building as the "Académie Royale de Danse" – oh, what a wonderful name! – opens its doors in the French capital. The whole world of dance was literally turning on its axis!

Imagine, this glamorous new Academy set the stage, quite literally, for some truly spectacular changes! It was like an enormous, sparkly invitation for the world to join in and create a beautiful new artistic universe together!

The "Académie Royale de Danse" wasn't just about dancing, oh no! It was about pushing boundaries and making dance a truly refined art form. In fact, this Academy actually paved the way for what would eventually become ballet as we know it. That’s right! The history we love so much, all those gorgeous tutus, those incredible performances, those world-famous ballets, they all got their start here in 1717! It's kind of incredible, isn’t it? We’re all connected to these early beginnings through a long, sparkly line of incredible ballet-lovers. 💖

Think about it: we owe a debt of gratitude to those amazing artists of 1717! Their dedication, their passion, their dedication to perfection, they really laid the foundations of this magnificent art form that we love so much. So many brilliant ballerinas and danseur noble danced on the hallowed stage of this Academy – truly some of the first of their kind to get this new and vibrant form of art noticed across France and then the rest of the world. Just imagine!

There wasn't really anything quite like ballet back then. In fact, 1717 marked the official recognition of a unique artistic expression – a graceful mix of dance and acting that captivated the Parisian crowds.

Back then, dance and movement had a more natural, flowing feel compared to the precision of modern ballet. That's where our famous Monsieur Pierre Beauchamps comes in, a legendary choreographer of that time. He's known as the father of classical ballet, my dears! Imagine the sheer elegance and the grace he created through these dances that captured hearts all over France.

Imagine, he wasn't just a brilliant choreographer – he also laid the groundwork for our beloved five basic positions we practice every single day. Monsieur Beauchamps truly understood the artistry of movement, crafting his own, distinctive style, something both dramatic and dynamic that drew attention to its refined beauty and intricate skill.

Fashion Spotlight: Speaking of refined beauty and intricate skill – let’s talk fashion! Fashion in 1717 was already evolving from those grand baroque dresses, flowing with a romanticism we adore. Women's fashion included an array of sumptuous gowns adorned with lace and ribbons. Imagine ladies waltzing gracefully, a cascade of silken skirts creating an exquisite trail! Imagine, a woman who truly loved fashion, and dance, probably also adored being at the opera at this time.

The 1700s was an age of opulence, and 1717 was in the thick of it all!

The most celebrated French operas were in Paris – at the Opera de Paris. This would have been a fantastic experience in the world of theatre and fashion and I would absolutely love to go to a show there back in this era! I imagine beautiful, exquisitely adorned women and gents adorned in jewels, silks, and luxurious laces with a swirl of powdered wigs!

Opera plays would have taken hours – and if you weren’t lucky enough to have seats then it is believed you would stand for the entire performance in the auditorium! This was also a world of powdered wigs and the elaborate panniers with the elaborate lace, ruffles, silks, velvets, satins, and jewels to top it all off! Fashion of the day would definitely give modern street fashion a good run for its money and all of this with no social media – amazing! 💖

As I travel back through time, what I learn most is how powerful fashion is as an expression of the self and a force to help create the social dynamics of the world.

I also look forward to bringing you news of how that amazing French Ballet – in Paris, in 1717 - influenced the ballet traditions around the world. Until next time, remember, life is an exciting stage and we can be creative stars – just like those early dancers who opened the doors to this beautiful art form we call ballet. So keep dancing and let the magic of ballet take over!

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to Pink Tutu to keep up with my weekly adventures through the fascinating history of ballet!

Yours truly, Emma

Stay fabulous, stay sparkly, and never stop dancing!

History of Ballet in 	1717