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History of Ballet in 	1734 Post #162: Dancing Back in Time - 1734!

Hey darlings, Emma here, your very own pink tutu-clad time traveler. Ready to whirl back to 1734, a year overflowing with such incredible ballet! As always, let's take a twirl through history with our trusty pink tutus. Remember, every year holds an important part of our ballet story. This is no exception, but don't think for a second that 1734 is any less vibrant and fashionable than today, even without the Instagram reels.

Firstly, how swoon-worthy is a pink tutu for time travel? Let's be real, it makes the whole thing way more fabulous. I mean, picture the scenes – strolling down a cobbled street in my favourite, frothy tulle creation, whilst doing a few graceful jetés and chassé, stopping for a delightful cup of tea at a quaint café, of course, then popping to a ballet show!

Right, before I get lost in a daydream of perfect pink tulle, let's delve into what happened in the world of dance back then.

Ballet at the Royal Theatre - Oh La La!

In 1734, Paris was buzzing. It's the place to be, and ballet was practically exploding out of its shoe! You've got this incredible Royal Theatre where, quite frankly, ballet was the highlight of everyone's social calendar. Everyone, including royalty! The biggest stars of the ballet stage - oh, how we would love to have been in the audience - were in their prime. Imagine those exquisite ballets, the shimmering costumes, the graceful steps and oh, those captivating pirouettes. I’m imagining layers and layers of sumptuous silks and velvets - just perfect for a bit of grand adagio! What were the names of the dancers in those days? Do we know any of their beautiful outfits? Do those intricate and dainty shoes exist somewhere in a museum, ready to spark our imagination with their artistry and history?

## What a Time for Ballet Fashion!

Honestly, 1734 is dripping in incredible, historical ballet fashion, which brings me to our dear, dearly loved tutus. Oh, I’d have loved to have a browse of those 18th-century fashion magazines - if there even were such a thing, how amazing would that be! Would we have a section on “Le Ballete et Tout Sa Magnificence?” My heart just skipped a beat at that thought, and just think of the elegant, swishing silks. Can you imagine? Imagine wearing one of those costumes, with all that incredible detail and history - simply enchanting! Would they be layered or simple, dramatic or sweet? Do those amazing outfits still exist, lovingly stored somewhere in a museum waiting to inspire us all?

Oh my goodness, even if I didn't quite nail the choreography of those centuries past, imagine the sheer fun of being a part of that fashion and dance world for a little while! Imagine waltzing and swirling in such wonderful silks and ribbons. If you see a lovely vintage fabric while shopping, do hold on to it with all your strength, darling. It could just be a forgotten scrap from a beautiful, grand ballet. Imagine that! I get shivers just thinking about it.

A Touch of History!

So, why is this specific year important in our pink tutu journey? You might be asking, Emma, what's so special about 1734? Well, it's about more than just those amazing shows - although the glamour and dancing do have a huge pull - it's all about how those historical performances contributed to how ballet became what we see today.

There were many changes happening in the world of dance, big and small, that formed the path to what we see as "ballet" in the present day. For example, think about "Les Fêtes de Noze" at the opera house - these productions brought in new steps, new ways of expression, and that added to the "story" aspect of what we call ballet today. Can you imagine - an entire opera house packed to the brim, and then that "grand show" for everyone to see. That’s magic and spectacle - perfect for a beautiful pink tutu moment!

It’s all about evolution! The art form itself was getting its legs, gaining its steps, refining its techniques and movements. Each generation was creating their version of ballet. Can you just imagine the costumes being designed in the fashion ateliers? The excitement and anticipation of that new performance.

But it Wasn’t All Glitter and Glam

The ballet world wasn't all glamorous parties and fancy costumes back then. There were challenging times. It was much tougher for ballerinas, but it reminds us that their resilience helped create a fabulous tradition, one we celebrate to this very day. Even with all of that hard work, the beautiful art of ballet found a home in the heart of the public, and even the royal family, in all of its elegance. That love has brought us to a beautiful point, right here, in 2023!

My Little Dance-Along

Think of all the beauty surrounding ballet, and that takes us back to 1734. The beautiful fashion, the elegance of it all, even the challenges, all have brought us to this present day of joy. Let’s continue that joyful tradition, and embrace those tutus in all their pink glory!

See you on the next tour of pink tutu time travel - until then - dance beautifully and enjoy all of the pinkest fashion in the world!

Remember: If you have your pink tutu ready, then all you need is some magic - I bet that's your imagination!



History of Ballet in 	1734