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History of Ballet in 	1738 - Ballet History News - Post #166 - 1738: The Dawn of a New Ballet Era!

Hello, my fellow tutu-lovers! It’s Emma, your favourite Derbyshire-born, pink-obsessed ballerina blogger, back again with another exciting dive into ballet history! Today we’re going right back to 1738, a year that saw the beginning of a dramatic shift in the world of ballet. Buckle up, darlings, because things are about to get truly exciting!

As always, before we delve into this wonderful period of history, let's talk about what’s keeping me, your fabulous ballet queen, busy. Now, you know I love a good street performance. It’s all about getting those tutus out there and showing everyone the magic of dance, right? But darling, I recently stumbled across the most glorious display of vintage ballet wear at a local antique shop. It had everything - beautifully preserved pointe shoes with delicate lace accents, embroidered ballet skirts from a time when extravagance was the name of the game, and even a stunning velvet jacket that would make the Queen herself green with envy. Now, I’m not saying I indulged in a bit of shopping spree, but let’s just say my closet is overflowing with new vintage treasures! And, who knows, maybe they’ll be featured in my next street performance. You never know!

But enough about my adventures. It’s time to journey back to 1738 and see what this year held for the world of ballet! Remember how we were all obsessed with the glorious French Court Ballet last time, right? Well, 1738 marked the arrival of a fresh, energetic style known as ballet d'action, where storytelling took center stage! Think dramatic scenes, intricate narratives, and emotionally charged dances. Oh, the stories! And, yes, it’s just as fabulous as it sounds.

Let me introduce you to our main man - Jean-Georges Noverre, the absolute king of ballet d'action, who's basically the Shakespeare of dance. You could say Noverre invented ballet as we know it today. It's all about emotional expression, believable characters, and stories that leave you absolutely captivated. Forget the intricate steps, the focus is on storytelling, dramatic impact, and letting your body tell a beautiful tale! Can you picture it, my lovelies?

Remember those gorgeous, embellished costumes? Noverre threw them all out and put on simple, practical, and elegant attire that flowed beautifully with the dancers’ movements. Imagine it – clean lines, simple yet effective outfits, highlighting every gesture, every leap, every turn – oh my, I can hardly contain myself! The effect? Absolutely phenomenal! Imagine this, my dears - think graceful steps expressing passion, heartbreak, triumph – oh, the possibilities are endless! Noverre revolutionized dance with his ideas!

It wasn't all sunshine and roses though. There were some fierce criticisms – even a good, old fashioned battle with the establishment of the French Court Ballet. They argued against Noverre's style. Honestly, it's a bit of a c'est la vie situation. Change is often met with resistance, right? But you know what, my fellow dance enthusiasts? The world needs change! New styles keep our art vibrant, dynamic and full of passion, right? And boy oh boy, Noverre had the passion to burn.

Let's fast forward to our very own British ballet scene! Can you believe, darling, that 1738 also marked a breakthrough year for British ballet? The first major ballet company in Britain was established this year! The Royal Academy of Dancing in London opened its doors for the very first time. It brought us ballets based on our own stories, myths, and legends. Talk about national pride! I'm just imagining those amazing costumes! Imagine the rich colours, beautiful designs and the iconic style of English fashion at that time – Oh! The inspiration. Imagine our Derbyshire countryside dancing across the stage!

But, my dears, the greatest delight of all for me is what’s coming next! This year marked the introduction of pointe shoes! Yes! Imagine a time when our beautiful ballerina stars weren’t dancing on their tip toes! Oh the elegance! Imagine how these new shoes enhanced the dramatic flair and the expressive power of the dances!

And guess what, darlings? I found the most incredible images of ballerinas from 1738. It was truly a glimpse into a time when artistry, movement, and fashion were all coming together! It’s enough to make you want to time travel to this era and witness these performances firsthand! You can't even imagine how thrilled I am.

So there you have it, my dear ballet enthusiasts, the year 1738 – the year of a new beginning, the year that ballet as we know it was born! And I’ll say it again – that incredible ballet wear! And who knows what’s next on this ballet adventure. Perhaps I can get us time travelling for our next history post! After all, wouldn’t it be divine to wear a beautiful 1738 costume? I mean, I could easily design one to blend the elegance of this time period with my modern flair! Now, that's a performance I'd love to be a part of!

Until next time, stay fabulous, dance your heart out, and wear pink tutus!

Lots of love, Emma xx

History of Ballet in 	1738