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History of Ballet in 	1758

Pink Tutu Post #186: A Whirl Through Ballet in 1758! 🩰✨

Hello my lovely fellow tutu enthusiasts! Emma here, your resident pink-loving, history-obsessed ballerina, back with another whirlwind trip through the magical world of ballet! This week, I've been time-hopping back to 1758 – just imagine, powdered wigs and all! I'm still swooning over the fashion, but I’ve got to tell you, 1758 was a pivotal year for the art of ballet! So grab a cuppa, put on your fluffiest tutu (pink, of course!), and join me on this enchanting journey! 💖

The World of Ballet:

1758 saw some seriously fabulous moves taking place in the world of ballet! The esteemed Jean-Georges Noverre was already shaking things up with his innovative choreography. You see, before Noverre, ballet was mostly a showcase for fancy steps and flashy costumes. Think: pretty faces and big jumps! Noverre wanted to make ballet more expressive, more about telling stories with movement! This shift, my darlings, was absolutely groundbreaking! Imagine, storytelling through dance! How utterly magical! He believed ballet should be more natural, more like everyday life. Imagine! No more elaborate court dances, but a genuine, authentic dance that captured real emotions – now that's something worth twirling about!

Fashion and Fabulousness!

Oh, my dear ballet butterflies, the fashion in 1758 is just delightful! Think elegant bodices and sweeping skirts. Now, imagine those bodices trimmed with intricate lace and the skirts flowing with the most beautiful silks – talk about drama! And don’t even get me started on the shoes! Tiny little slippers with just a touch of silk and satin – it's enough to make you want to spin until you fall down!

But, and this is a huge BUT, imagine, my dear friends, being en pointe without pointe shoes?! Shocking, I know! It wasn't until the early 1800s that pointe shoes as we know them even existed! Ballet dancers were essentially doing the whole ‘dancing on your tippy toes' thing barefoot, or with shoes that offered barely any support! How incredibly impressive! It's like the whole dance world is living on the edge, literally! It gives a whole new meaning to 'giving it your all' for sure.

Seeing the Show in 1758

Now, imagine yourself walking into a theatre in 1758, and here's the fun part, you might actually see a ballet performance! Ballet wasn't just about royal courts anymore; it was becoming more accessible to the general public! I mean, think about it, wouldn't you be completely swept away by a magical show? And I bet you they even had intermission, maybe some lovely finger sandwiches and lemonade. Just divine, don't you think?

My own little Tutu Time-Travel!

To get myself all prepped for my visit to 1758, I took my latest pink tutu for a spin around the cobbled streets of my dear Derbyshire village! And guess what?! My street performance attracted a small crowd of amazed onlookers! (They loved the tutu, naturally). Maybe, just maybe, this is my way to fund future tutu-tastic time-travelling trips? After all, a ballerina's gotta do what a ballerina's gotta do to keep those dreams alive! Imagine, performing in 1758! Dancing beneath chandeliers with candles burning bright, spinning my heart out! And maybe, just maybe, a little touch of my pink tutu magic will spread a dash of joy and delight through those historic streets!

Stay Tuned for My Next Tutu Tale!

Well, that’s it for this trip to 1758. My dearest Tutu Angels, stay tuned, because next week, we’ll be whisked away to an exciting new year, ready for more ballerina magic and exciting tutu fashion! Don't forget to check back here at for all the latest news and views! Until then, remember – always keep those toes on tiptoe, and don’t be afraid to wear pink! 💖💕

*Much love, *

Emma x

PS: What would you want to see at a ballet performance in 1758? Tell me all about your dreams for tutus and stories and dazzling dance moves! 🩰💖

History of Ballet in 	1758