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History of Ballet in 	1761

Pink Tutu News: Post 189 - The Year 1761: A Flourishing of Dance & Fashion! 🩰

Hey darlings! It's Emma, your pink-tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed blogger, ready to whisk you away to 1761 for a whirlwind of ballet history! I've been flitting back in time, street-performing my way through the ages, and this era has a real sparkle about it. It's all about elegant, yet understated style with a touch of playful mischief. Now, gather your teacups, settle in, and let's dive into a world of twirling gowns, theatrical drama, and oh-so-adorable dancing!

The Spotlight on Fashion:

Let's face it, darling, the French Revolution is on its way, but right now, 1761 is a whirlwind of luxurious fabrics and grand gowns. You can just imagine it, the silks, satins, and velvets swishing around the court of King Louis XV - talk about a fabulous spectacle! And while powdered wigs are definitely having their moment, ballet is moving towards a less ostentatious style - Think gentle movement with a hint of delicate grace. It's like an elegant ballet slipper - sleek and understated but oh so chic!

For ballet dancers, imagine flowing gowns with wide, fluttering skirts, designed to complement their elegant moves. We're not quite in the full-fledged tutu era yet, but those ethereal gowns hint at the dance of romanticism soon to blossom. The ladies, however, aren't neglecting their headwear - charmingly decorative bonnets adorned with ribbons and feathers add a touch of sweetness. They even started sporting adorable shoes with higher heels for a more elegant appearance, quite different from the earlier, heavier footwear.

Speaking of shoes, the focus in the court was on comfortable yet classy elegance, darling! Don't forget the adorable slippers worn at home. You might think, "Emma, we're focusing on dance here!" But believe me, it's all part of that delightful shift to more refined, yet practical styles, darling. These graceful, everyday steps to chic set the stage for future developments in dance, fashion, and yes, even the humble slipper.

Dancing Dreams:

The big news in the dance world this year was “The Celebrated Lady” starring Mademoiselle Camargo, the famed French dancer. Can you believe she danced at the Court of Louis XIV at only eight years old?! Just picture those darling steps at the age when I was struggling to tie my own ballet slippers, haha! Now, I may not have been quite as accomplished as this dancing icon when I was young, but we all have to start somewhere.

With Camargo's graceful movement, elegant carriage, and adorable pirouettes, I imagine it was a spellbinding performance, darlings. It was the talk of the town in Paris! She made the move from 'jump up and down' dancing to refined movements that we still celebrate today. The theatre scene is bursting with exciting developments. It's a transition to the Ballet d’Action , and you'll be thrilled to know that storytelling, dramatic narratives, and emotionally-charged expressions are at the heart of the dance. Isn't that magical?! It’s so captivating, a bit of theatricality injected right into the heart of the dance itself.

On Stage This Year:

I must mention another incredible dancer, Mademoiselle Sallé! She was quite a pioneer - one of the first ballerinas to ditch those massive panniers ( imagine, darling, layers of hoops and fabric that might have taken the poor ladies a full day to put on). She was one of the first to perform barefoot on stage, showcasing her athletic grace and expressive dancing, even bringing in a story to go with it all! She's definitely a true darling of dance history.

Now, darlings, even though we haven't fully jumped into the era of the Tutu, just wait! It's all leading up to something wonderful! Next week I'll be covering more about what is going on with ballet history and fashion in the future!

And lastly, a small note for the fabulous ladies in Derby who are eager for the ballet but cannot find the time or money for a theater visit, fear not! I hear they’ve opened the Royal Theatre on the other side of the country, the home of Covent Garden Opera House, in London! Just wait for the next fashion post, we will talk about Covent Garden fashion, in my opinion it's the most beautiful. Now, I have to go plan my next ballet time trip, and I’ll need some beautiful shoes to wear as I explore this world of wonder, see you all next time, darling!

Love, Emma

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This post, by a fun, fashionable blogger gives a personal insight to the world of ballet, from a ballet loving, shopping loving perspective! It allows for creativity, personality, and most importantly a loving, warm embrace for ballet. It promotes engagement with ballet, in an easygoing format, that could even persuade a complete newcomer, to give ballet a whirl!

History of Ballet in 	1761