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History of Ballet in 	1770 Ballet History News #198 - 1770: The Year Ballet Bloomed in All Its Glory!

Hello lovelies, and welcome back to! It’s your favourite ballet blogger, Emma, here, and I am thrilled to be back with you all today! This time, I’m taking us on a time-travel trip to a rather special year - 1770! And just wait till you hear what’s going on in the world of ballet this year. I mean, the costumes? Swoon. The choreography? Divine. You’re going to be needing to get your pink tutus on, darlings, because we are going back to a fabulous time in ballet history!

Firstly, darling, how stunning was the London opera season?! I just love how opulent those ballrooms were! If you haven't caught a performance at Covent Garden lately, well, put it at the top of your list, sweetie! This year, we were absolutely spoilt for choice, from beautiful ballet performances to charming operas that were all the rage!

As a ballet fashion fanatic, it would have been absolutely divine to be attending Madame Victoire’s theatre in Paris this year! I'm so envious, just imagining the beautiful costumes. Those frocks, my dears, just picture those satin and silk concoctions! Oh, and don’t even get me started on the lace! And the shoes, dear heavens, they just looked divine on stage, like little dainty ballet slippers of a bygone era, they were. Just gorgeous.

Speaking of gorgeousness, let's talk about Noverre, the king of the ballet. His "Lettres sur la Danse" was quite the buzz, you know. Everyone was discussing it! It's such a pleasure reading about this pioneer, how he saw the evolution of dance - he's a visionary for sure, and we're so lucky he shared his vision for the dance with the world. His work has certainly stood the test of time!

Of course, no year is complete without a touch of ballet history at home. Our beloved King George was absolutely enthralled by ballet performances at the time, and who could blame him, it was quite the social scene, darling! Everyone from high society to your average Joe loved the theatre, which is truly remarkable to think about - a universal passion, how lovely is that?! I just adore the whole romantic vibe that went hand-in-hand with all these performances - all that love, passion, and energy was just overflowing everywhere, making every theatre come alive!

And let’s not forget about all those wonderful new ballets that graced the stage in 1770, making such an impact, they totally pushed the boundaries of the genre! A perfect mix of artistry and athleticism, how much more could we ask for?! This era truly embraced the true essence of ballet, you know - stories brought to life through graceful movements and vibrant costumes - what a joy to behold!

I adore the history of ballet! It’s so inspiring to know that even way back then, dancers were telling captivating stories and weaving beautiful magic on stage, just like us today. Honestly, you just can’t beat the power of performance, right? It brings us together, connects us with the past, and it makes you feel like anything is possible! Just thinking about it all, my heart is filled with absolute wonder.

Of course, there's no better way to honour our dance heritage than by stepping into our very own pink tutus and embracing that joy of expression! Dance has a truly magical ability to transport us, make us feel so alive and connect us all with a shared passion for art. It's that very magic that continues to captivate the world, even in 2023!

So go forth, my lovely Pink Tutu family! Let’s all dance and celebrate the beautiful legacy of ballet together! And be sure to come back next week for more fun and fascinating ballet history news with! Until then, happy dancing! xx

History of Ballet in 	1770