Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1774

Pink Tutu Post #202: Back to the Ballroom: 1774, Darling!

Hey everyone, Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, back with another peek into the fascinating world of ballet history!

This week we’re waltzing back in time, darlings, to the glorious year 1774. Get ready to sashay into the heart of the 18th century, where the stage was setting itself for the explosion of ballet we see today!

Oh, before I start my lovely history ramble, do you ever wonder if history can help us be better dancers today? Imagine, dear readers, if you had access to all the ballets, the costumes, the techniques from centuries past! Imagine dancing like they did, with the poise and grace of those who walked on stage with no other light but candlelight. Don’t worry my lovelies, my magical ballet street performances and even some little jaunts into the past means we can all live like it’s the 1700s and get our graceful moves on, all whilst keeping that lovely pink tutu fresh!

Now then, onto the historical hot gossip: 1774 was an absolutely thrilling year in ballet history. We are still in the golden era of ballet. Imagine a world of grace and poise, where elegant movements and exquisite costumes reigned! And believe me, those tutus, darling, were something to behold, full of layers and lavishness. Think yards of delicate silks and flowing fabrics, perhaps even a dash of those magnificent pannier hoops that made women look like a confectionary creation, don't you think? It was a truly dazzling time for ballet fashion, darling!

As for shows, imagine waltzing through the Royal Opera House in London! What a divine experience that would have been! I mean, can you picture yourself in a glorious pink tutu, sipping a delightful glass of wine and taking in the beauty of the performance? 1774 is the year that ballet legend, Pierre Gardel published his Traite de Danse - A treat for the bibliophiles and dancers in the room. It would go on to shape ballet in future years, especially as a manual of technique, making it a significant milestone, wouldn't you agree, dear readers?

You can’t talk about 1774 without mentioning the celebrated ballerina, Marie Sallé. Imagine! A true visionary in the world of dance! Now, this lovely lady was famed for her elegance, a little bit like Anna Pavlova later down the line, and was one of the first ballerinas to wear the short skirt tutus, that would be so popular with our ballet dancers today, as opposed to the floor length, flowy skirts of years gone by! It was such a daring, and fashion forward, move in the 1700s! Marie went on to use her position in ballet to break with tradition and promote innovation, paving the way for women to be leaders, on and off the stage! I find it truly inspiring, don't you?

But let's not forget, darling, that ballet in the 1700s wasn’t just confined to grand theaters and posh audiences. Imagine dancing with your friends outdoors under the beautiful star-filled night sky? Now, that is romantic! Dancing in the fresh air under the stars! How wonderful and so refreshing. We really could do with more street performances in our times!

Speaking of fashion! The tutus of this time were, shall we say, a bit different, but no less exquisite! There wasn’t that 'pinkness' that we crave in the modern ballet world, yet their grace, elegance and intricate details were captivating! It really was an era of beauty and grace. So think of yourself, with your beautiful pink tutu, standing amongst these women with their exquisitely ornate tutus, dancing to music under the starry skies of the 1700s!

1774 was an important year in ballet history. It was the start of the movement towards innovation, for new choreography and a change in ballet fashion. These innovations created the path that would see the incredible world of ballet dance that we all know and love today. And that is worth a lovely pink tutu twirl for, don’t you think?

Right then, darlings, I'll leave you to ponder on this enchanting time. And do remember, even though times were very different back in 1774, there's still something to learn and be inspired by!

Remember, embrace the dance, embrace the fashion, and always, always rock that pink tutu. And do send me any fashion finds you get, that give you those Marie Salle vibes. Stay graceful and I'll catch you on the dance floor (or the stage), soon!

Emma xxx

History of Ballet in 	1774