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History of Ballet in 	1778

Pink Tutu Post #206: Dancing Through the Decades - 1778, A Year of Parisian Delights!

Hello lovelies! It's your girl, Emma, back with another history post. It’s always fun exploring the glorious world of ballet, especially as I’m busy travelling back in time to see some of the legendary performances of years gone by! As usual, my magical tutu has whisked me back in time, this time to 1778, and wow, what a year it was for the world of ballet! I can’t resist adding this post to my little archive, and you know I’ve got a special spot for all things pink and sparkly! Let’s take a peek into what ballet had to offer back in the day.

1778 was a big year for our favourite dance form – the year we finally got the ballet shoes we know and love today. Gone were the awkward pointed shoes of the past! The French had a breakthrough moment with a design featuring the characteristic satin ribbons tying elegantly around the ankles, offering comfort and allowing graceful movement on stage. It felt revolutionary! If that doesn’t deserve a pirouette, I don’t know what does. I even bought a pair from the local craft market in Derbyshire before my journey - gotta stay true to those classic, yet stylish, pointe shoes, darlings! And trust me, I rocked my pink one on stage at the local shopping centre, to a round of applause! A win for the fashion-forward ballerina.

And then we have Paris! Oh, darling, the City of Lights never fails to deliver a ballet feast. Imagine, you can see ballet everywhere! In salons, in theatres, in cafes – even out on the cobblestones for street performances! I, for one, was ready for my own performance, I was eager to bring a touch of pink to Paris. My trusty pink tutu wasn’t exactly historical fashion (but we’re not here to worry about that are we!), so my trusty pink tutu was perfect for a performance in the heart of the city – I think the Parisians loved it!

Of course, this era in Parisian ballet is simply bursting with exciting premieres! You simply can’t miss "L’Amour Parvenu" and "La Danse", both taking the Parisian stage in 1778 and enchanting audiences with their delicate moves and stories woven into the steps. A whole range of emotions!

Speaking of enchanting stories, you must know the darling Marie-Madeleine Guimard – the Queen of Parisian Dance! I felt I needed to pay tribute to her and the impact she has had on the history of ballet – a true trailblazer! Guimard brought incredible flair and artistry to her role at the Parisian Opera Ballet, which truly elevated the dancing and showcased just how beautiful dance could be! She really elevated the graceful dance of the era! You’ll notice a lot of emphasis on pantomime, as it adds to the richness of the narrative - the drama, the tears, the joy, all presented through beautiful, lyrical movement.

Let’s talk fashion for a moment, darling! I know we can't resist a good bit of ballet fashion. The dresses worn by dancers at this time were beyond extravagant, a whirlwind of taffeta and silk ribbons – very Parisian indeed! Think delicate ruffles, flowing trains and those stunning pastel colours, which look lovely paired with some bold blush.

1778 - what a delightful time to step back into the dance, with its stories and its beauty. What an inspirational period! I, for one, feel utterly inspired by those ballet stories from long ago and it fills me with a deep love for the world of dance – so lovely and inspiring, especially with its colourful stories.

If you want to delve a little deeper into the fascinating ballet scene of this period, make sure to pop over to and follow my latest posts – I have even more insights into 1778! Until next time darlings – and remember: Never lose your passion for ballet! And keep twirling!

Your eternally pink loving ballet enthusiast,


History of Ballet in 	1778