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History of Ballet in 	1800 Post 228 - A Whirl Through 1800: A Year of Romantic Beginnings!

Oh darling, my dearest tutu-lovers, I hope this post finds you in a whirl of grace and a twirl of joy! I'm here today, fresh from a trip through time, with the most fascinating news from 1800, the very dawn of ballet's Romantic era! Yes, you read that right, darlings, 1800! Picture me, floating back to that glorious year in my favourite pink tutu, twirling through cobbled streets, taking in the sights, and sipping (and yes, sipping because my etiquette is impeccable, even during time-travel) a cuppa at a charming Parisian café.

I mean, let's be honest, darling, what could be more enchanting than 1800? This is where ballet started truly stepping out from behind the courtly curtain and onto the world's stage! A new wave of emotions, themes, and stories were about to unfold, like a shimmering silk ribbon revealing a treasure chest of beautiful, moving stories.

Let's delve into the world of ballet in 1800, where imagination took centre stage, literally!

The Story of "The Romantic" Ballet: It's Not a Fairy Tale...It's a Revolution!

We must start with a rather exciting piece of news from our darling Charles Didelot, the king of choreography in 1800. Remember his graceful "Flore et Zéphyre," my dear, which completely transformed ballet from the stately to the airy? Now, this extraordinary dancer, teacher, and choreographer was back with another incredible piece, “La Fille Mal Gardée," the “Well-Guarded Girl,” (sometimes called “The Naughty Girl,” depending on your perspective)! This was a true revolution! It told the everyday story of a young girl defying societal pressures, embracing love and her own dreams – all through ballet!

And let's not forget "Giselle", the ballet masterpiece that revolutionised ballet in its portrayal of the mystical! Even though it was only just getting started on its journey in the early 1800s, darling, "Giselle" became the symbol of this incredible new age in ballet, filled with captivating narratives, poignant emotions, and the sublime dance of romantic dreams.

Tutus of Whimsy and Delicate Beauty!

Okay, I have to gush about the fashions of this period, darlings! Picture graceful skirts that flow like soft clouds and delicate, lightweight tutus, made with tulle that looked like cobwebs woven by moonlight! I mean, it’s a true ode to the feminine, and I was utterly smitten with them! My personal favourite was the tutu with its layers and layers of soft tulle, dancing like an ethereal dream under the stage lights!

Oh, The Places Ballet Went in 1800!

One thing I particularly love about 1800 is the emergence of the ballet beyond the royal court. Imagine! A symphony of tutus gracing opera houses in Vienna, enchanting London with their captivating grace, and captivating hearts all the way in St. Petersburg, darlings! This is where ballet began its world-domination conquest!

London Calling! The Royal Opera House and Ballet!

Talking of world-domination, darling, London became a mecca for ballet lovers! A shining jewel in 1800 London's cultural crown, The Royal Opera House welcomed countless performers, enthralling crowds with every pirouette! Can you picture the elegant ladies, sporting their chic bonnets, sitting next to their equally elegant gentlemen in the box seats, mesmerized by the ballet on stage? Just picture those ladies gazing at the ballerinas, oh the magic!

Time to Show Off Your Pink Tutu... Or, at least a blush!

The message is clear, my loves – 1800 was a glorious era, a year of incredible beginnings and ballet blossoming. It truly was an inspiration for me. If you want to experience the enchantment of the Romantic era, head to the theatre, take a twirl at your local dance school, and maybe, just maybe, wear a touch of pink to celebrate the glorious rise of ballet!

Until next time, keep swirling, darlings, keep swirling!

Love and pink tutus, Emma x

History of Ballet in 	1800