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History of Ballet in 	1808

Pink Tutu Post #236: 1808 – A Whirlwind of Fashion & Frou Frou!

Hey beautiful ballet lovers, it's Emma here from the heart of Derbyshire, ready to whisk you away on another pink-tutu-filled journey through the glorious world of ballet history! This week, we're pirouetting back to 1808, a year buzzing with energy and exquisite grace.

A Glimpse of Ballet in 1808:

Imagine, darling, the year 1808! The Napoleonic Wars are in full swing, and amidst all the political chaos, the world of ballet is absolutely flourishing! It's like a shimmering diamond, capturing the hearts and eyes of all who witness its magic.

This year, I'm particularly captivated by the rise of “le ballet romantique”, a truly breathtaking evolution in ballet style. Forget rigid movements and strict, predictable formations – this new style celebrates emotion and individuality, making it an enchanting spectacle to behold.

A Whisper of "Le Ballet Romantique"

Romantic ballet was all about graceful, flowing lines, echoing the elegance of nature. Forget your tight, restrictive corsets – the ballerinas of the era wore dresses that skimmed the floor, light and free, creating an airy, whimsical effect. Oh, darling, wouldn’t you adore waltzing in such a lovely, ethereal frock?

Imagine, my darlings, the scene: gaslights flickering, illuminating a stage where ballerinas flutter in gossamer tulle, their movements as light as air. I can practically feel the soft music and smell the enchanting scent of roses carried in on the night air!

Oh, the Fashion!

This period truly marked a revolutionary shift in ballet costume, and not just in the dresses, darlings! The emphasis on graceful limbs meant ballerinas adopted pointed shoes, the ones that gave birth to our beloved pointe work!

Pointe shoes weren’t exactly what we see today, darling, they were more akin to dance slippers with extra stiff soles and a small wedge in the front. But imagine! The potential for such graceful, dynamic movement – pure magic!

Ballet's Shining Stars:

In 1808, the world was enthralled by the extraordinary Marie Taglioni, the epitome of grace and romantic beauty. It's no surprise she became the symbol of this new movement – a captivating sight in her shimmering white dresses and airy pointe work! Her iconic dance La Sylphide cemented her as an immortal icon of ballet history.

This year, ballet’s star power reached far and wide. It’s been a busy year for theatres across the continent, with ballet companies like the OpĂ©ra de Paris enchanting audiences with works by talented choreographers such as* Jean Coralli*, who graced the Parisian stage with his signature elegant style, capturing the romantic mood of the era.

Time Travel Through Performances

With my pink tutu on and my trusty Time-Travelling Tutu Shoes on my feet, I embarked on a magical adventure. I first landed myself right in the middle of a performance at the Théùtre de l'Opéra in Paris. What a dream! The entire room was humming with anticipation and applause. Oh, the thrill of seeing such magnificent artistry firsthand!

My second stop was London’s Royal Opera House (originally named the King's Theatre, darlings). Here I found a truly immersive experience. While I didn't see a full-fledged ballet, I discovered an operatic performance with an element of ballet - such elegance and emotional depth, it almost brought tears to my eyes!

The Pink Tutu Goes Retro!

You can bring the romanticism of 1808 to life in your own home, darling! Imagine yourself twirling in a pale pink silk dress, complete with tulle ruffles cascading down to your toes. The dream of becoming a graceful, enchanting ballerina is only a stitch away!

I love discovering how much our present ballet world has evolved from its origins. Seeing a little glimpse of how they danced all those years ago, wearing outfits I could recreate today - pure enchantment! It truly fuels my love for this exquisite art form.

Well, darlings, that's all for this week's Pink Tutu Post! As always, remember – everyone has a ballet ballerina inside waiting to come out. Let your pink tutu be your symbol of elegance and self-expression. Keep pirouetting and stay lovely!


History of Ballet in 	1808