Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1812

Pink Tutu Post #240: Dancing Through Time – 1812! 🩰💖

Hey beautiful ballerinas! Emma here, and get ready for a pirouette through time, back to the dazzling year of 1812! Buckle up, my darlings, as we twirl through the history of ballet.

Right, so you know my aim in life, right? To make the world a brighter, more fabulous place, a world where everyone dances with joy and twirls in the prettiest pink tutus. It's a dream! It’s the sort of vision you might have if you were watching a show in a plush velvet box at the Opera House in Paris, wouldn’t you? And believe it or not, it’s this year we get a real glimpse of what that might feel like!

So, imagine yourself, darlings, back in 1812. The Empire style is the rage – think flowing lines, and that air of regal romance. Imagine yourself in a silk ball gown, shimmering with jewels, while handsome gentlemen, looking so dapper in their tailored coats, sweep you onto the dance floor! It’s such a dramatic backdrop for our art form to really shine!

I can just picture it now, all of London agog, flocking to the Covent Garden theatre to watch a spectacular production of Cinderella, or maybe something truly epic like Don Juan, which debuted this year! There are whispers of romantic heroes and captivating melodies, of the magic of dance weaving tales that make audiences swoon. You’d just have to rush out and see those, wouldn’t you? I certainly would!

But hold your horses, dears, let's delve into the deeper history! The romantic era is dawning, bringing with it an explosion of artistry! The ballet world is bustling, as new ballet shoes are hitting the dance floors, crafted with lighter, more flexible leather to allow for more intricate movements. This is just amazing! Suddenly, our ballets are bursting with even more delicate steps and breathtaking leaps!

Speaking of breathtaking, I can’t forget to talk about the incredible dancing stars of the day! Imagine the beautiful Marie Taglioni! What a dream of grace and talent. Her performances in those elegant Romantic-era costumes must have been spellbinding! They’re the inspiration for the gorgeous pointe shoes we adore today.

So much of what makes our ballet today beautiful is rooted in the discoveries of this period. The use of expressive choreography that brought forth such moving emotion? The way dancers started to communicate whole stories through movement, bringing to life the tales we love so much? The genius of choreography starts to bloom. A lot of these breakthroughs we’ve got to thank Monsieur Marius Petipa for – his contribution was massive.

My fellow tutufarians, this was such a fascinating era, one where ballets truly started to touch hearts and captivate minds with their sheer elegance. I can’t help but feel a deep connection to these incredible ballet stars of 1812. To imagine them in their delicate tutus, with that regal grace, makes me want to get back to the dance studio right now!

Speaking of which, I have to talk about ballet fashion in 1812. Can we take a minute to appreciate how dreamy this era was for costumes? The fabrics, the colours, the exquisite detail – pure bliss! Imagine floating across the stage, wrapped in a delicate cloud of tulle and silk, with the graceful movements of the dance echoing every flow of the dress. So incredibly romantic!

I’m so inspired by it all! It’s already getting my creativity flowing – I can imagine an entire pink tutu collection inspired by this time period, can't you? Flowing lines, luxurious fabrics, maybe some delicately beaded details... Ooh, and can we add those darling little flowers for a hint of vintage whimsy? We have to bring a bit of this magic back into the world!

Right now, here in 2023, I am going to create the most gorgeous tutus and outfits for a little trip down memory lane.

And just you wait, darlings, my upcoming street performances are going to be an ode to all the glorious things that ballet in 1812 was – we're going to capture the very soul of elegance and passion.

So, get out there, dears! Let’s keep the love for ballet dancing, for that breathtaking moment when we soar onto the stage and become something extraordinary – it’s the dream that began right here in 1812.

Remember, as always, wear pink tutus proudly, let your passion soar, and dance through life with joy. I'll catch you next week for more fabulous ballet news, from your favourite tutu enthusiast. Until then, happy dancing! 💕

History of Ballet in 	1812