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History of Ballet in 	1824

Pink Tutu Post #252: A Twirling Trip Through Time: 1824 - When Ballet Went Ballroom!

Hello darlings, it's your favourite Derbyshire ballerina, Emma, back with another tres chic trip through the wonderful world of ballet!

This week, we're taking a whirl back to the year 1824, when the stage was set for some truly captivating moments in ballet history. But don't think for a moment this was all tutus and twirls, no no, it was a time when the very essence of ballet was taking some dazzling leaps and bounds!

Hold onto your feather boas, ladies, because we're going straight to the heart of London's most opulent theatre - The King's Theatre. Yes, my dears, that's where ballet really shined this year. This wasn't just any theatre; think opulent, plush velvet seats, twinkling chandeliers, and an atmosphere that was just buzzing with excitement.

Imagine stepping through the doors to a magnificent performance. You'd be greeted by an orchestra warming up with the most divine music, the stage illuminated by an array of soft candlelight, and anticipation rippling through the audience. And then, BAM, the curtain rises!

This year, ballet really went ballroom-crazy, blending elegance with an irresistible sense of lighthearted fun! I'm talking graceful dances filled with graceful steps and a bit of a dash of romance - like watching a beautifully orchestrated dance at a royal ball!

Imagine this, my dears: The dancing was a delicious mix of French elegance and Italian passion, like a beautiful floral arrangement - one graceful movement flowing into another with exquisite grace!

Think elegant "bourrées" that whispered through the theatre like a silk ribbon unfurling, dainty "jetés" that skimmed the stage with a breathtakingly soft touch, and intricate footwork that simply dazzled. Oh, the way these talented ballerinas glided and danced, it would have taken your breath away!

And the costumes, darling? Just imagine, the finest silk, satins, and velvets draped and embellished with elaborate detail. Think delicate ruffles, cascading feathers, and the tiniest sparkle that truly made a statement! These dresses were truly breathtaking, perfectly echoing the lightness of the dance.

Speaking of dance, a star who really caught my eye this year was Marie Taglioni. She was simply a darling, known for her elegant leaps and impossibly graceful movements. It was as if she floated across the stage like a magical dream. Imagine, just like an angel descending from heaven, her soft tutus, wispy and romantic, with delicate flowers delicately arranged on each tier. It truly was a spectacle!

I was so utterly charmed by the ballet that I just had to incorporate its spirit into my daily style! You'll see me, my loves, swishing around London in an absolutely ravishing dress inspired by the gowns of 1824, complete with a beautiful sash that ties with a stunningly dramatic bow at my waist. Imagine how absolutely charming! And a delicate tulle skirt, shimmering with subtle embroidery, to create that whimsical air. Don't worry, my dears, a gorgeous pink tulle tutu will of course be incorporated as well, to ensure every movement I make is absolutely enchanting.

Oh, my darling fashionistas, let's not forget the dance itself. Remember, I said Ballroom-crazy? It's true. There was this charming dance, a bit of a favourite in these social circles, that had the men and women stepping forward and back, their arms delicately intertwined. The 'Mazurka' - with its flowing and spirited movements, was just so beautifully charming. It almost seemed like an echo of 'minuets', but a little more animated and lively. I just love how it shows ballet, well, moving forward.

While the stage in London was dazzling, across the ocean in America, a different story was unfolding. Did you know that the first American ballet company was formed this very year in New York City? Can you imagine that? The city was a flurry of creative energy! Imagine it, a group of talented ballerinas and dancers coming together to create a vision of pure joy

Think beautiful dance sequences under flickering gaslights, as the spirit of ballet was about to truly blossom across the continent! You can just imagine how captivating and electric those first steps, right here in America, must have been! It makes you realise the powerful connection that ballet truly brings.

The world of ballet, even in 1824, was teeming with inspiration. This wasn't just about a specific type of dance, but an expression of grace and creativity. The dancers, the musicians, and even the audiences - they all played a role in building a vibrant ballet landscape.

So my dears, what are you waiting for? Grab your feather boas and shimmering scarves, and let's add a bit of that 1824 ballroom magic to our world! Maybe we could all add a little bit of dance into our daily lives - twirling while walking the dog, doing a little "bourrée" at the grocery store. Let's show the world how delightful ballet can truly be.

Don't forget, my loves, to check out our lovely ballet inspired Pink-Tutu collection this season! It's the perfect mix of classic charm and a whimsical touch, ideal for adding some ballerina grace to your own wardrobe. Just visit

Stay fabulous and keep twirling, my loves. And remember, we can all be ballerinas at heart!

Love, Emma

History of Ballet in 	1824