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History of Ballet in 	1829 - Ballet History News: Post #257

Greetings, darlings! Emma here, your very own pink-tutu-wearing historian of all things ballet! I'm back with a fresh slice of history from a truly dazzling year: 1829. Oh my, the fashions! The choreography! Let's dive into this swirling whirlwind of tulle and taffeta, shall we?

This week, I travelled back to the year 1829, my trusty pink tutu swirling in the Parisian air. What a time to be a ballerina! You wouldn't believe the innovations! A whole new world of footwear was blossoming, darling. Imagine, pointe shoes weren't quite perfected, yet! Ballet slippers, though simple and delicate, were truly elegant.

But, the real story lies in the incredible ballerinas themselves. Marie Taglioni, a truly captivating creature, captivated audiences across Europe. She had her own unique style, you know - flowing, ethereal movements, a true fairy-like spirit! Her costumes were absolutely dreamy - lightweight silks, fluttering with each arabesque. I'd be swooning, darling, if I were in the audience. And wouldn't you?

I'm simply besotted with the graceful spirit of ballet in this era. While the costumes and styles are undeniably different from the modern day, the sheer dedication and passion shine through.

The Shows and the Delights!

1829 was brimming with theatrical enchantment! From grand operas in Vienna to ballets across Europe, the stage was set for a delightful year.

Speaking of shows, one that captured my heart (and I confess, took me straight to the shopping arcade afterwards!) was a spectacle by Charles-Louis Didelot, "La Fille Mal Gardée". The plot! Oh, darling, it's just a lovely tale of a young girl’s struggle to choose between her love and the man chosen by her mother. You’ll have to forgive the melodramatic details, though.

But, I simply couldn’t get over the costumes in this production. It’s as though the story of love took a tour through a kaleidoscope of colors and textures. Didelot was famous for incorporating natural movement, folk dances, and, of course, plenty of those beautiful pointe shoes that were making a splash!

Oh! You’re just dying to hear about my shopping adventures! Thankfully, this year's ballet fashion scene was positively enchanting! A plethora of gorgeous costumes were flowing through the Parisian workshops, fit for princesses!

While I’d trade those glorious ruffles and voluminous skirts for my contemporary, pink tutus any day, it was all incredibly chic and beautifully designed! Let’s just say I snagged a few vintage silk ribbons for my future designs - don’t worry, darling, I'll share the photos soon.

Don't forget to subscribe for all the updates and be sure to check out my performance this weekend in Nottingham, darling! I'll be swirling in the finest vintage pink tutu while performing the famous La Fille Mal Gardée scene with my friends. It's gonna be spectacular. Think ruffles, a grand finale and plenty of happy-feet excitement!

See you at the show, and remember: embrace your inner ballerina! And, dare I is always in fashion!



Stay tuned for next week's ballet history adventure, when we explore the wonders of ballet in 1901!

History of Ballet in 	1829