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History of Ballet in 	1844

Pink Tutu Post #272: A Whirlwind Through 1844!

Hello darlings! Emma here, your favourite tutu-loving time traveller, ready to whisk you back to the elegant and exciting world of ballet in 1844. Hold onto your tiaras, because this is going to be a whirlwind of a trip!

I'm absolutely bursting to share with you all the lovely goings-on in the world of dance and fashion 179 years ago. Buckle your pink ballet shoes and prepare to be dazzled!

The Scene is Set: Imagine a world where pink was already a celebrated colour, as beloved then as it is today. You'll find delicate silk tutus, puffed sleeves and velvet cloaks – a dream for any ballet fan! And guess what? It’s even easier to get those fabulous tutus today because a whole new way to wear one is happening, right now! You heard it right: they've finally created "tutus for the stage!" These magical garments can be made in any colour imaginable, even in your favourite shades of pink!

Now let's have a peek at the stars gracing the stage back in '44...

Shining Stars: We're talking legendary figures like Marie Taglioni, a darling of the French stage who was all the rage for her light, graceful style – truly the ballerina every little girl looked up to! There was also Fanny Cerrito, whose technique was revolutionary and had the crowds utterly entranced! It was a truly exciting era, full of elegant pirouettes and daring leaps!

Across the Channel: And just a little way across the English Channel in my lovely Derbyshire, there were amazing ballet productions, like The Naiad and The Devil's Dance - just picture the dramatic costumes and captivating choreography! Even though Derbyshire is landlocked, the glamour of these productions was just as real! Imagine seeing ballerinas twirling and leaping in front of audiences dressed in their finest attire, a spectacle of dazzling grace!

Ballet Inspiration: Speaking of captivating choreography, back in the 1840s, there was a great surge of interest in folk dance. The style of nationalistic ballet - which incorporated dances and music from different regions - really resonated with audiences! It's no wonder then, that there was a resurgence in this dance form. Imagine those charming folksy dances – a joyful reminder that ballet wasn't just about classical elegance.

Shopping Spree: To indulge in that elegant ballet style, we can't forget fashion. While the French had the latest designs for evening gowns and extravagant hats, you could find exquisite fashion magazines detailing the very latest trends right here in Derbyshire! You know me, I just can't help myself but daydream about the exquisite fashion of the time.

London Lights: Imagine being in London for the first-ever production of Giselle, one of the most famous ballets of all time! The story, with its delicate themes of love and heartbreak, was a massive hit - not just with audiences but also critics who showered it with praises ! I bet it's still breathtaking to see on stage today, wouldn't you agree?

Looking to the Future: Now, as I travel back to my own time, I have to wonder… will pink tutus always remain a favourite? Will we see innovative choreographers create new masterpieces that will inspire generations? Well, one thing is for sure: the world of ballet continues to evolve. But the spirit of graceful movements, heartfelt stories and shimmering costumes will stay with us forever, just like the enchantment of 1844!

Until next time, darlings, remember: never stop twirling, and always dream in pink!

History of Ballet in 	1844