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History of Ballet in 	1858

Pink Tutu Post #286: A Whirl Through Ballet in 1858! 🩰

Hello my lovelies, and welcome back to Pink Tutu! This week, we’re taking a trip back in time – all the way to the year 1858, to discover what the world of ballet was all about back then. Hold onto your tutus, darlings, because this is a real trip down memory lane!

Now, as a Derbyshire girl through and through, it’s hard not to be a bit envious of those Victorian ballerinas. Think of the dramatic costumes, the romantic storylines, the exquisite precision of their movements – all against the backdrop of grand theatres like Covent Garden in London. Doesn't it sound utterly fabulous?

The Stars of the Show

1858 was a time for some real star power on the ballet scene. In Paris, the incomparable Marie Taglioni was still wowing audiences with her delicate style and breathtaking leaps. A real icon for the graceful art of ballet, you know. Back in London, a young dancer named Fanny Cerito, a truly captivating lady, was captivating audiences at the Royal Opera House, London. Just picture her twirling across the stage, an image of sheer elegance and joy! It must have been a true pleasure to watch these wonderful performers, the way they captured a story in their movements.

A Time for New Ideas

While we've talked about these renowned dancers, the dance world wasn't just about tradition in 1858! This year also saw a significant move towards new forms of expression within ballet. Arthur Saint-Léon, an absolutely brilliant choreographer, was captivating audiences with his dynamic choreographies, bringing a more dramatic edge to the art form, think fast paced storytelling using intricate movements! A move that took audiences, and the dance world itself, by storm. It was definitely an exciting time for new innovations.

A Ballet in Pink, of Course!

Of course, one of my absolute favourite parts of any era is the fashion, and 1858 did not disappoint! Ballerinas were dazzling in romantic tutus, swirling and twirling like delicate flowers. It was all about soft, romantic silhouettes and the dreamy essence of a bygone era! Now, I can imagine it would be incredibly challenging to execute such a complicated art form, in such voluminous outfits. To me, a pink tutu has been a sign of elegance and strength forever, which is something I really admire in ballet dancers!

Speaking of ballet fashion, just imagine being able to shop for an ethereal gown and a pair of pretty, frilly slippers at the finest boutiques in London or Paris, perhaps even get a hat made by the best milliner to go with it! The artistry in clothing from this time really reflected the essence of beauty in ballet itself. If only I could just nip into the past, find some vintage outfits for a good street performance... wouldn't that be magical?

A Time for Street Performances, Too!

In my travels across time, I've learned that even way back in 1858, the passion for ballet went beyond the grand stages. Think street dancers performing lively waltzes and mazurkas, delighting everyone on the streets. A testament to how ballet could reach anyone, everywhere. We could call it a glimpse of street ballet's long and wonderful history!

Don’t Miss These Performances!

I must confess, there’s nothing better than witnessing a breathtaking ballet show, surrounded by the joy of the audience. It fills me with a sense of joy and energy, the way it carries the entire audience along, sharing this moment in time with everyone! So, if you’re looking for a bit of balletic magic in 2023, why not step into the grand halls of a historical opera house, let the lights guide you on your journey through ballet history, just like they would have done for audiences all those years ago?

As for me, well I’m off on another journey to 1900, darlings! There’s a new era waiting to be explored, a new wave of artistry to discover, new styles of dance and dazzling outfits just waiting for me to discover, but before you go, be sure to get your pink tutus out, twirl around a little bit, and remember that with the love of dance in our hearts, anything is possible! 💖🩰

Keep dancing,


History of Ballet in 	1858