
Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1861

Pink-Tutu.com: Post 289 โ€“ The Ballet World of 1861: A Dreamy Journey in Pink ๐Ÿฉฐ

Hey beautiful souls! Emma here, your trusty ballet-loving, pink-tutu-wearing guide to all things twirly and lovely. This week, I've been travelling back in time, using my trusty street ballet moves to get me there. Where have I been? You guessed it โ€“ the year 1861! Let's delve into the fabulous ballet world of over 160 years ago, shall we? ๐Ÿ’–

A Time of Change

Oh my darling readers, the ballet world in 1861 was buzzing with exciting new things! After a century of French dominance, it was time for a bit of Italian sunshine to light up the dance floor. Italy's most esteemed choreographer, Luigi Manzotti, was shaking things up with a completely original concept - โ€œLa Giocondaโ€, a tragedy with the most dramatic dancing ever. I can just imagine the shockwaves โ€“ like watching our favourite modern dance shows now, full of edgy movements! Imagine โ€“ a ballet inspired by Shakespeare! Now, there's an idea I'd love to see in pink! ๐Ÿ’•

The Fashion Scene โ€“ Lace & Lovely!

You know I can't resist a peek into the fashion scene of 1861. Just picture this - the ladies wore billowing skirts with layers upon layers of tulle and lace. So feminine, don't you think? Their dancing tutus were similar, with the romantic "tutu ร  la romaine", or "Roman tutu", taking the stage. They were almost floor length, creating flowing lines. Imagine twirling around in such a beautiful piece of art! ๐ŸŒธ I might just have to stitch myself up a copy โ€“ don't tell my dressmaker!

From London to Paris โ€“ The Shows We Must See!

Speaking of stages, London's Royal Opera House was bursting with activity. If you had travelled back with me, my dears, you would have witnessed some absolutely unforgettable performances, like "La Fille de Mad. Angot", a classic story with enchanting dance moves, perfect for learning new twirls for your own practice, even if just at home! And let's not forget the enchanting "Cinderella" by Jules Perrot. The sheer spectacle and those whimsical, romantic steps! It would be the perfect night out for me, complete with a delightful ice cream during the interval.

Over in Paris, the *Ballet de lโ€™Opรฉra de Paris was also attracting huge crowds! You can bet I was there, mesmerized by the exquisite "La Reine Topaze" with its incredible sets. Just picture an opulent court scene - all glimmering jewels, intricate embroidery, and breathtaking ballet performances โ€“ *c'est magnifique!

More than just the stage

And while those Parisian ballets were incredibly extravagant, something rather special was happening in Italy too. There was a real buzz around the beautiful"Lโ€™Assedio di Firenze" * ballet by Luigi Manzotti*. It was like nothing the Italian audience had seen before, bursting with passionate steps, storytelling, and daring movements. It had everyone talking and dreaming of ballet, the kind of dance that captures your imagination. ๐Ÿ’–

A Ballet for Everyone!

I believe that ballet is for everyone โ€“ and this year it was certainly proving to be true. Whether you were lucky enough to watch a dazzling show, enjoyed some fashionable shopping, or learned the latest dance steps at home, ballet was very much alive! So, darlings, let's all raise a toast to 1861 โ€“ a time of dazzling beauty, grand performances and the wonderful world of dance that continues to inspire us even today! What a fabulous, girly year for ballet it was. ๐Ÿ’– Now excuse me, I think I hear some ballet shoes calling โ€“ it's time to twirl and be inspired!

And donโ€™t forget to spread the joy by wearing a pink tutu โ€“ everyone deserves to twirl! ๐Ÿ’•

  • Emma xx

History of Ballet in 	1861