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History of Ballet in 	1891

Pink Tutu Post #319: 1891 - A Year of Whimsy and Grace

Hello my lovely Tutu Tribe! Emma here, ready to take you on a twirl back through time to the year 1891! Can you imagine a world without a perfectly pink tutu? It seems impossible, right? But that was the reality back in 1891!

As a ballerina born in Derbyshire, England, I'm fascinated by the history of our beautiful art. It’s such a thrill to discover how far we’ve come in terms of fashion, choreography, and performance!

Let's put on our sparkly shoes and travel back to the Victorian Era.

A Peek into 1891 Ballet

1891 was a year filled with beautiful ballet performances. The Paris Opera Ballet, the pinnacle of Parisian elegance, had just opened its doors in the prestigious Palais Garnier.

Can you imagine seeing Marius Petipa, the iconic ballet choreographer, create his masterpieces at the opera? What a thrill to have witnessed the elegance of "La Bayadere" or the magical "The Sleeping Beauty" in the vibrant atmosphere of the Paris Opera!

Speaking of magical performances, one of the most celebrated ballets at this time was "Swan Lake". Now a timeless masterpiece, Tchaikovsky's haunting music and the mesmerizing dance of the white swans captivated audiences. The elegant and refined moves, with their graceful and delicate extensions, had the whole audience in awe.

The world of ballet was abuzz with the groundbreaking techniques of the great Anna Pavlova. A visionary who challenged the boundaries of ballet, her graceful moves, captivating stage presence and elegant pirouettes brought a new dimension to the art of dance. Just imagine witnessing her artistry on stage!

Fashion Frenzy

Oh, my tutu! Let's talk about ballet fashion in 1891! The romantic era of tulle and lace was in full swing. You would have seen dancers in beautiful, voluminous tutus. Imagine, long, billowing skirts crafted with layers of tulle, accented by delicate ribbons and embroidery! Think of the breathtaking artistry of a pink tutu floating across the stage in a world just beginning to embrace the ethereal beauty of dance!

Although there weren’t many vibrant pink tutus available yet (such a shame!), the graceful shapes and voluminous tutus gave dancers an almost ethereal feel. Their silhouettes created beautiful stories as they danced across the stage, evoking the wonder of fairytales and ancient myths.

And what about the pointe shoes? We see hints of the shoes we know today, though with less pointe support! Imagine the delicate balance and strength those dancers possessed to grace the stage on such delicate shoes! I'm sure the grace of their dance would have been a true marvel to watch.

Bringing Back the Ballet Buzz

So, Tutu Tribe, 1891 was a remarkable time in ballet history, a time where beauty, grace and elegance reigned supreme. It reminds us of the captivating power of ballet – a reminder of how magical and moving this art form can truly be!

My goal, as you know, is to have everyone, everywhere wearing pink tutus, even back in 1891! And who knows, maybe I’ll get there one day… Perhaps one day I'll magically time-travel back to 1891 to spread the joy of pink tutus amongst all dancers!

Until next time, keep your eyes on the stage, twirl like nobody’s watching, and most importantly, stay stylish!

Yours in dance,


P.S. To all the dancers, fashion enthusiasts and history buffs out there: I love hearing your thoughts on my posts! Don’t hesitate to share your stories and experiences, especially if you have a fantastic ballet anecdote from 1891! Just pop it into the comments section!

Remember, you can also join me on Instagram and TikTok! Just search “” to join our community and keep those tutus twirling!

History of Ballet in 	1891