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History of Ballet in 	1900

Pink Tutu Post #328: Back to the Turn of the Century - A Dance Through 1900!

Hello my darling dance enthusiasts!

Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, bringing you the latest news and gossip from the magical world of dance, and this week we're taking a trip back in time, darlings! Buckle up your dancing shoes, because we're whisking ourselves back to 1900!

Imagine the bustle of the Belle Époque – the romance, the fashion, the grand waltzes in elegant ballrooms. It’s a time of opulent excess and artistic experimentation. And guess what, lovelies, this period brought about a transformation in the world of ballet that we're still feeling today!

A New Dawn for Ballet

Let's step back to the late 19th century, shall we? Russian ballet was beginning to flourish under the watchful eye of Tsar Nicholas II. The Imperial Ballet was already a renowned jewel in the crown of the artistic world. They were bringing to life magical stories, like the haunting tale of The Swan Lake. The intricate choreography and delicate movement captured the imaginations of audiences across Europe.

Then, a name like no other entered the scene, a man whose name became synonymous with ballet – Sergei Diaghilev. Now, darlings, Diaghilev had a vision, and that vision involved introducing ballet to a whole new world of people. He dreamt of creating ballet experiences that were thrilling and exciting, full of daring steps, vibrant colors, and, most importantly, something completely different to anything that had been seen before!

The Birth of the Ballet Russe

1909 was a pivotal year in the history of ballet – the year Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes burst onto the scene in Paris! The audacity of their creations shocked and captivated audiences. Here were ballets filled with colourful, dazzling costumes designed by Leon Bakst. It was an explosion of Eastern exoticism mixed with classical techniques – and everyone was talking about it!

Diaghilev brought in the crème de la crème of choreographers, the best of the best. Mikhail Fokine was just one of those pioneering talents. He envisioned ballet as a story, not just a showcase for beautiful dancing. His work focused on expressive storytelling. Ballet was no longer merely a technical performance; it became a window into a world of emotions.

And guess what? 1900 was a year when a very special young ballerina was just about to embark on her career, one who would become an iconic figure in the history of ballet – the divine Anna Pavlova! This extraordinary dancer was famous for her elegance and ethereal beauty, she was the epitome of ballet grace. She inspired awe with her interpretations of The Dying Swan, a breathtaking ballet in just one act, which became a timeless masterpiece and still resonates today.

The Fashion of the Ballet Russe

Now, lovelies, you can't talk about ballet history without indulging in the fashion, darling! Oh, those costumes of the Ballet Russe were beyond dreamy! I could swoon for days. They were so different from the classic tutu that had ruled the stage for years. Think elaborate fabrics, vibrant colors, shimmering beads and feathers - each design telling its own story! It was a revelation to the world of ballet.

And it's no surprise, the influence of this revolutionised dance reached every corner of society. We even saw its impact in fashion for everyone, a trend that spread like wildfire throughout Europe and America! It was so exciting, darling.

Seeing the Stars – The Shows to Catch

In 1900, there was an absolute plethora of stunning ballets. And I am talking some real treats to see! If you happened to be in Paris at the Opéra, you might have been able to see the glorious, timeless Giselle, a romantic ballet showcasing the virtuosity of the dancers and the poignant drama of the story. And if you were in Russia, imagine watching Swan Lake in the majesty of the Bolshoi Theatre. Oh my, darling, I bet it was just glorious!

Fashionable Footwear

Oh, my dears, let's chat about those gorgeous ballet shoes. Imagine the iconic satin slipper! It was all the rage in the Belle Epoque. In 1900, the dancers embraced the elegant, lightweight pointe shoes. They made for a new world of expression, a way of communicating that hadn't been seen before. These shoes gave a dancer that sublime ability to literally walk on air, creating the sense of effortless movement we adore.

Street Performances and My Pink Tutu

Oh, I can just picture myself back then in 1900, in a beautiful pink tulle tutu – oh my darling, I can imagine how elegant I would look with those long satin ribbons, and my sparkly tights! It's almost too much! Just picture it: cobblestones beneath my feet as I pirouette to the rhythm of the bustling Parisian streets! Imagine the expressions on everyone’s faces – they’d probably think I'm absolutely crazy, but, darlings, it’s about bringing a touch of that magic everywhere!

That’s why, to fund my exciting trips back in time to bring you these stories of the wonderful history of ballet, I use my very special talent for dance. My Street Performances have allowed me to bring that joy and sparkle to everyday life. You see darling, sometimes it’s not just about the grandeur of the stage; sometimes it’s about making those special memories wherever life takes you.

So there you have it, darlings, a glimpse into the world of ballet in the magical year 1900. It was a time of change and a time of celebration – and just think, dear readers, how much more extraordinary ballet would become! I can’t wait to share the next installment of our ballet history journey!

Until then, darling, remember, there's no reason not to wear your pink tutu wherever you go!

Love, Emma

History of Ballet in 	1900