Pink Tutu Ballet Dance at www pink tutu com

History of Ballet in 	1908

Pink-Tutu Post #336: A 1908 Dance Back in Time!

Hello fellow twirlers! Emma here, back from another time-hopping adventure, and this time I’ve been transported to the oh-so-elegant year of 1908!

This week, we're taking a little peek back in time at a period when ballet was transforming right before our eyes! Now, I've got my pink tutu on, of course, because even back then, tutus were a big deal, though perhaps a little less flamboyant than the beauties I sport now!

The first thing I noticed? The gorgeous dance halls! 1908 was brimming with ballet performances and charming theaters, like the Royal Opera House, a stunning building which is still breathtaking today! There was such a passion for dance that it filled even the grandest stages. The Royal Ballet was a key part of London life, you see. This made me think how we have to cherish the performing arts as we all love a good dance performance. I also adore watching performances of other kinds. In my recent travels, I managed to see “The Sleeping Beauty” at the Royal Opera House. Such beautiful choreography and amazing costumes.

So what was ballet actually like back then? 1908 was a real turning point! It was all about precision and grace - not just technique, but a captivating expressiveness that left audiences awestruck. There were also some truly legendary figures leading the charge – figures like Anna Pavlova and Vaslav Nijinsky , who were changing the dance world completely. These were trailblazers, paving the way for the ballets we love today, and, as any dancer knows, the choreography from that period is incredibly complex! I can't help but think these beautiful forms and moves might inspire some gorgeous street performances, I need to get on with some practice and do my street performance to pay for my next time travelling spree, hehe!

Speaking of beautiful forms, what about the costumes! My dearest ballet-lovers, the dance attire in 1908 is something else. I’m talking soft pastel colours –think beautiful light pink tutus - very chic, of course - paired with exquisitely beaded and embellished costumes. Everything had such an elegant femininity to it. If you’re looking for fashion inspiration for your next ballet class, just check out photos from that era – they are just timeless. You can’t beat those gorgeous satin ballet shoes, perfectly polished for those en pointe moments! Speaking of shoes, those flat slippers! Those are totally rocking and stylish too - even today, slippers are always my choice for casual, ballet-themed looks!

Now, my fashion-obsessed readers will adore this - even back in 1908, there was this wonderful overlap between fashion and ballet! Fashion icons like Coco Chanel were drawn to the graceful lines and elegant movements of dancers and those ideas found their way into the fashion world – a bit like street ballet's inspiration on street wear nowadays, perhaps? I always love going shopping, but this year I have found it very hard not to add another tutu to my collection - so many fantastic designs I couldn’t leave behind. But we all know what the highlight of 1908 for the ballet world had to be – the creation of a certain very famous ballet that continues to mesmerize people worldwide – “The Rite of Spring”! A revolutionary work! I've only recently managed to catch it live at the Royal Opera House! So if you're looking to witness the power of 1908 ballet firsthand, then take note.

Speaking of inspiration, have you tried on a new tutu recently? Do you need to give your own wardrobe a revamp with a new shade of pink? As always, feel free to leave your comments below! Maybe let me know which 1908 looks have inspired your latest fashion creations, I’d love to see them! I have a lovely new bright pink fluffy tutu with little silver sparkly stars - just gorgeous! My next shopping spree needs to be in the fashion section of London - you know I love to discover new shops and try all sorts of dance outfits.

Well, I've got to go – the dance floor is calling. See you all again next week when I delve into another fascinating era in the history of ballet! Until then, stay fabulous and never stop twirling!

P.S. Did I mention that the pink tutu is having a resurgence? It's more than just a piece of clothing, it's a statement, a celebration of individuality and artistic expression. Now, wouldn't you just love to see every dancer in the world embracing this bold and beautiful shade?

History of Ballet in 	1908