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History of Ballet in 	1912

Pink Tutu Blog: Ballet History Post #340: 1912 – A Whirlwind of Style and Innovation!

Hello darling dears! Emma here, back with another trip through the tantalising world of ballet history. This week, we're travelling to a shimmering year of dance, fashion and innovation: 1912! I'm slipping on my favourite pink tutu (because really, what else could a ballerina wear?) and we're going to take a peek into the elegant world of ballet as it was back then.

Let's be honest, this year in the dance world is brimming with excitement. This year, our Parisian neighbours are seeing the first-ever staging of "Le Sacre du Printemps" (The Rite of Spring), which was later said to have inspired all the cool modern dancers of today. Can you imagine, darling, all those revolutionary dance moves on stage?! Just thinking about the movement and costumes of the corps de ballet gets my toes tapping!

But 1912 isn't just about ballet, no, it's also about the fashion, darling. As someone who loves everything fluffy and fabulous, it was a fantastic time for our feminine silhouettes. Long, sweeping skirts are all the rage, and they were flowing everywhere in this era – perfect for adding a graceful swirl as you pirouette across a dancefloor, no?

Think of corseted waists, flowing gowns with dramatic embellishments, and a playful mix of pastel shades and dramatic velvet. If the fashion in this era doesn’t shout ‘glamour’, I don’t know what does! It's an absolute feast for the eyes and would look simply fabulous in any stage production. Imagine the costume designer’s delight – a wonderland of silk and sequins just begging to be dreamt up for the perfect ballet.

So let's step back in time and see what’s been gracing the stage this year, shall we? We've got quite a mix of exciting shows popping up around the world:

  • Russia is dancing! The Bolshoi Theatre, as usual, has been ablaze with ballets like “The Nutcracker” and “Swan Lake.” It's been said to be one of the finest in Europe, you know. Can you even imagine the glittering sets and stunning costumes?

  • Across the channel... Paris is in the midst of a dance fever, hosting its share of stunning productions like "Le Sacre du Printemps", with the amazing Nijinsky, of course! But then there are also delightful Parisian favourites like "Giselle", just waiting to mesmerize with their poignant grace and intricate choreography. It's a true testament to the timeless charm of classical ballet.

  • A new voice in London! Our capital is busy, bustling and filled with beautiful music and even more beautiful dances. This year we’ve had the premiere of "The Sleeping Beauty," a masterpiece of balletic storytelling and pure enchantment. But even as we enjoy our classics, our theatres are brimming with excitement and are welcoming new ideas and innovations to our stages.

Even if it's not possible to hop on a time machine and dance with these exquisite figures of history, it's good to know that we're not just wearing a tutu today because of fashion. We're celebrating a lineage of ballerinas who made the impossible possible, each of them shaping the art form into the beautiful and exciting dance form we know and love.

But before I close, darling dears, I couldn't let you leave without a few bits of fashion gossip! You see, as a lover of the flamboyant, 1912’s world is a true fashion haven for any aspiring dancer. Long dresses were truly the height of chic and sophistication – with just a hint of peek-a-boo lace, we have ourselves the perfect combo of modest elegance and delightful mystery. It's truly a dream of a period! Imagine how utterly splendid a ballerina’s tutu would look, wouldn’t it? I think every little dancer needs at least one pink tulle confection, wouldn’t you agree?

Speaking of which, don’t forget to join me next week for another whirl through the history of ballet – maybe we'll travel even further back in time for some real historical fashion inspiration!

Until then, keep those toes tapping, darling, and I’ll be back next week to talk more pink tutus!

And don't forget: Life's a ballet, and a pink tutu is just the costume to take centre stage.

Yours truly, Emma

History of Ballet in 	1912