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History of Ballet in 	1919 - Post #347: A Roaring 20s Ballet Blitz! 🩰

Hello lovelies! Emma here, back from another fabulous time-travel trip and just brimming with excitement! It’s been a real adventure, whisking me back to 1919 – a year that's not just a gateway to the glorious roaring twenties, but also a vibrant turning point in ballet history! ✨

Now, before I spill the tea (and darling, you know I love a good gossip), let's get right down to the heart of things – the colour pink, obviously. 💖 I found myself positively "ooh-la-laing" in 1919! Pink is truly blossoming as a fashion favourite and everyone’s embracing the trend - even in ballet! I discovered this utterly gorgeous, silky pink costume (complete with flowing ruffles and sparkly embellishments!) in a show at the Bolshoi, simply exquisite. Talk about elegance with a touch of whimsy!

I do have to tell you about one rather curious development, however, and it concerns those ever-so-popular knee-length tutus that we all adore (yes, even you, my dear, shy friend! It's time to let loose!). Some ‘avant-garde’ ballet schools seem to be taking things a little further, replacing those beautiful flowing lengths with what they call '‘short’' tutus. I simply couldn’t fathom the concept at first! But, alas, change is in the air! Perhaps the 'short' tutu, despite its shock value, could evolve into a fascinating new style? After all, everything takes a while to find its rhythm, right?

Speaking of evolving, let's discuss the stars of the moment. I was fortunate to witness the legendary Anna Pavlova perform – the very epitome of elegance and grace, moving with an effortless artistry. Her performances are truly the definition of ‘magic on pointe’ - I’ve got chills just thinking about them!

Then there's the other titan of ballet in 1919: Vaslav Nijinsky! What a magnetic force he is! Even in the world of dance, his movements hold such incredible energy and charisma, simply unforgettable! His groundbreaking choreographies are truly bringing new life to the stage – exciting and challenging audiences in ways never seen before.

Let’s talk shows, shall we? If you find yourself in London in 1919, the place to be is The Alhambra Theatre! They are hosting a ballet spectacle that truly stole my heart: a show called “The Sleeping Beauty”. The production boasts incredible artistry, with beautiful costumes and scenery – I simply had to snatch myself a vintage fan and settle into a velvet chair. Pure indulgence, my dears!

And, of course, the world of ballet wouldn't be complete without a touch of exquisite fashion. The ladies are indulging in the charm of the 1910s – flapper dresses, intricate beaded designs, hats with daring plumes! It truly is a celebration of everything fabulous and feminine. I’m particularly obsessed with the stylish feather boas, and yes, you know I’ll be recreating those in a later post – just you wait and see, my dears!

Oh, my sweet ballet loves, how I wish I could tell you about all the exquisite little boutiques and ateliers where they craft such enchanting footwear and stunning costume creations! But let’s save that for another post!

Meanwhile, darling, why not join me in the pursuit of tutu elegance and take a page from the past? After all, even back in the Roaring Twenties, women were proving that confidence and creativity are our superpowers! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Remember, there is a pink tutu waiting for every heart in this world. 💖 Just don’t forget your fan, dearest.

Until next time!

xx, Emma

P.S. If you love the look of vintage ballet fashion as much as I do, don’t forget to visit me again soon. I'm working on a special post about all those stunning, oh-so-elegant vintage ballet dresses that have been enchanting the world for decades! 💖

History of Ballet in 	1919