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History of Ballet in 	1926 - Post #354: Back to the Twenties, Baby! - 1926 and All Things Tutu!

Hello darlings! Emma here, your very own Derbyshire-born ballerina blogger, and it’s time for another blast from the past! Buckle up your ballet slippers because this month, we’re stepping back to the glamorous year of 1926 – a year of daring designs, cutting-edge dance, and of course, stunning tutus!

Oh, 1926, you were a gem! You gave us the Charleston, the Flapper era, and the most gloriously free fashion trends ever! And you know what else? Ballet was buzzing with energy and change!

For you lovely lot who haven't hopped on the ballet bandwagon yet, let me break it down - this was the era where things began to shift dramatically in the dance world! It wasn’t all just rigid classicism – think Sergei Diaghilev's Ballets Russes, you know, all that dramatic storytelling and revolutionary choreography!

Let's go backstage and peek at what was happening on the international ballet scene back in '26!

The Ballets Russes: Revolutionizing the Art

Now, 1926 saw the Ballets Russes touring Europe – oh, what a spectacle it must have been! Diaghilev, the man behind this groundbreaking dance troupe, was a real visionary, you see! He brought together all these incredible talents – composers like Igor Stravinsky, designers like Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso, and dancers who just absolutely captivated the world with their electrifying movement!

Can you imagine, dear readers? Imagine yourself, maybe you're there in a Paris theatre, with a whole room full of people dressed to the nines! It must have been magic! I’ve got my eye on getting a little vintage costume and having a photo shoot in my best attempt at 1926 glamour. (Spoiler alert, it’s going to involve pink!)

This is a time when ballets like "Les Noces" with its incredibly powerful music by Stravinsky was captivating audiences – they must have felt those raw emotions of celebration, loss, and beauty just through the dancers’ movements! And did you know the ballet costumes? "Les Noces" was pure white, a stark, modern aesthetic in contrast to the rich colour and drama of their other works. “The Rite of Spring”, on the other hand, took ballet by the hand and said, “We're doing something a little different!” That iconic choreography with its wild, primitive feel? Revolutionary! This must have been something truly special to see.

Now, let's talk about fashion! Oh, those flapper dresses – short and chic, with flowing skirts and fringe! Imagine all the sparkles, feathers, and glittering sequins! I’m telling you, darling, the early 1920s were an era for celebrating our feminine beauty, expressing ourselves, and dancing till we drop!

It's a time that just screams for me to get out those glorious pink tutus. Don’t you just see it? It’s perfect, don't you think? It's time to combine vintage glamour with the power of the pink tutu and have everyone in the world celebrating life in our best fluffy, pink tutus! I’m so in love with the elegance and energy of this period, so stay tuned for more pink tutu-tastic inspiration inspired by 1926 fashion, and we’ll do a fabulous video at the end of the month with some easy to follow ballet moves and tutus from the period.

But the Dance Didn't Stop There

Of course, back in '26, there were so many other fabulous ballets happening. It was a glorious time for the development of both classical and contemporary styles! In London, you could have enjoyed the ballet at the Royal Opera House, a jewel in the ballet crown! You might have seen Diaghilev’s troupe there, too, bringing their spectacular, dazzling vision to British audiences.

*So, my dear readers, the dance world of 1926 was vibrant, revolutionary, and simply awe-inspiring! * And I for one cannot wait to celebrate it, and yes, to wear my favourite pink tutu.

See you next time for even more vintage ballet fashion inspiration! Keep your tutus sparkling and keep dancing!

History of Ballet in 	1926