Ballet Tutu Fashion and Style at www pink tutu com

My dears, the recent London Ballet Week had the crème de la crème of ballerinas descending upon us like swans upon a crystal lake, each a vision of ethereal grace and exquisite elegance! Oh, my dear, I’ve collected so many programmes for my growing collection, I could open my own ballet archive! Of course, it wouldn’t be a true ballet week without some divine tulle!

There were so many exquisite examples of the art, my darling! Such as:

  • The Russian National Ballet presented their Swan Lake at the Coliseum last weekend. All I can say, darling, is the corps de ballet were simply dazzling in their exquisitely traditional tutus – just like they would have been during Tchaikovsky's time! They had such lovely lines. I felt a shiver down my spine when they pirouetted out en pointe.
  • The Royal Ballet presented its production of Giselle, my love, a stunning tribute to a classic, and a beautiful ode to Romanticism. Those Romantic tutus, a wispy, airy concoction of tulle and chiffon, with their delicate embroidery and lace – they were divine. Like floating gossamer dreams.
  • Ballet West introduced a contemporary take on "The Nutcracker," and those tutus! Darling, what they were! A whimsical mixture of fabrics and colors, they felt bold and daring while remaining graceful and beautiful. One can’t help but want to take the stage! Oh my.

Speaking of bold, the Royal Opera House production of "La Sylphide," offered a vibrant, modernized rendition of the classic ballet. And how daring were the tutus! My word, the costumes were daring and modern. And did those sylphides look good while twirling in them.

My love, ballet is simply divine, and its fashion is truly breathtaking! To think of those dancers, floating around on the stage with the sheer weight of the story of the production, and then the tutu just makes their figures disappear into that wondrous dream of motion!

I think the tu-tu’s I saw this month really deserve a round of applause! Well, I shall go and add another programme to my ever growing collection!