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Ballet Around the World: January 1997 The New Year brings with it a flurry of dazzling ballet productions, and darling, it seems the world's choreographers are in a mood for mischief. From the opulent courts of Vienna to the grand theatres of Moscow, the stage is set for a captivating season. Let's raise a glass of champagne and take a look, shall we? A Touch of Whimsy in Vienna The Vienna State Opera is the very epitome of elegance, and this month they unveiled a truly enchanting production of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. The iconic choreography is, of course, exquisite, but what truly sets this performance apart is the ingenious touch of Viennese charm injected by director, Wolfgang Panzer. The shimmering sets and costumes are simply breathtaking โ€“ imagine swans sculpted from spun sugar and glistening crystals, oh my! The corps de ballet, so precise and graceful, are quite literally dancing on air. But it's the star of the evening, the sensational Natalia Petrov, who truly captures the hearts of the audience with her captivating performance as Odette/Odile. She possesses that rare quality โ€“ she moves with both supreme athleticism and heartfelt emotion. Simply breathtaking! Moscow in Motion Next, a little trip to Moscow for a delightful encounter with the Bolshoi's rendition of Giselle. Now, Giselle is a ballet classic, one that has been danced a million times over, yet somehow, the Bolshoi's version still manages to captivate. Perhaps it is the intensity of the drama, or the raw emotion in the performance. Or perhaps it's just that Anastasia Ivanova's interpretation of Giselle is utterly sublime. Her portrayal of the young peasant girl torn between love and betrayal is heart-wrenching. The scene where she falls to the ground, a broken heart shattered by betrayal, had every eye in the theatre brimming with tears. Bold Choreography in New York Back in New York City, we find a refreshingly daring departure from the classical tradition. At the New York City Ballet, the young choreographer, Jasper Lee, presents "Unfolding", a contemporary ballet with an intriguing mix of classical form and experimental techniques. The music by the emerging composer Max van der Sanden is intense, almost symphonic in its sweep, and perfectly matched by Lee's visceral choreography. What I find so enthralling about Lee's work is its bold exploration of movement. The dancers are stretched to their very limits, pushing the boundaries of what we expect from classical ballet. It is a provocative work, at times unsettling, but unquestionably a triumph for Lee. New Blood on the Scene Speaking of bold, emerging talent, the Danish Royal Ballet recently unveiled their latest star, the sensational 22 year old Victor Anderson. He is utterly divine! With long, elegant limbs and unbelievable control, he is truly a joy to watch. He recently captured the hearts of the audience in a dazzling performance of the famous Grand Pas from Don Quixote. His movements are precise and unwavering. One cannot help but be captivated by the power he exudes on stage. Oh darling, to watch him execute the most difficult technical steps with such effortless grace is pure magic! The Magic of Paris Finally, no journey through the world of ballet is complete without a stop in Paris. The Paris Opera Ballet is, of course, a world renowned institution, and this month, it welcomed the highly anticipated return of the choreographic legend, Pierre Lavigne. His newest work, "Les Reves de Lune," is an absolute dream. Set to the most exquisite music by Claude Debussy, it is a work that invites us to step into a world of whimsy and poetic beauty. The dancers flow across the stage, almost like lunar light itself. With the gorgeous costumes by Yves Saint Laurent (oh la la!), this truly is ballet at its most sublime. Ballet in Motion: Beyond the Stage As always, this month also saw some wonderful events beyond the theatre. The London Ballet Centre recently hosted a highly anticipated workshop with world-famous choreographer Pavel Sviatoslav. The workshop was open to dancers of all levels, and the energy was absolutely electric. Oh how lovely to witness young dancers being inspired by such an icon. Darling, the passion and dedication are infectious. And last but not least, there was a truly remarkable exhibition at the Musรฉe d'Orsay in Paris celebrating the iconic ballet costumes designed by Christian Lacroix. This man, a true artist, created a universe of fashion within the world of ballet which, of course, he made even more magical! His designs, bold and theatrical, were like works of art come to life upon the dancers. I could not resist indulging in a splendid velvet bonnet at the museum's shop โ€“ such an elegant touch to my wardrobe. A New Year of Beauty This month has been an absolute delight for any ballet lover, a true celebration of the art form. As we turn the page to February, one thing is certain - the world of ballet continues to captivate and inspire, a dance of beauty and motion that continues to stir our souls. To my dear readers, I bid you farewell, and until next month, keep those ballet shoes polished and your spirits high!