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From the Desk of Dame Margot's Darling

Oh, my dears, it has been a whirlwind month in the world of ballet, hasn't it? One must keep up, darling, the seasons turn faster than a pirouette in the spring. The May bloom has been in full effect with several fabulous performances across the globe. Here's a quick rundown, with, of course, my own little bons mots on each:

A London Love-in

London was truly the place to be, as always. At Covent Garden, they launched their much-anticipated revival of "Romeo and Juliet." My dears, if you were feeling a bit tired of the standard romantic repertoire, worry no more, this one breathed fresh life into the tragic lovers! The young leads, (let's be honest, who even remembers their names anyway? they'll all be household names in no time, though!), were an absolute dream together, a whirlwind of youthful passion. And the choreography, my dears! Did they make those arabesques sing! The corps de ballet? Pure perfection! And you simply must stay after for the curtain call, you simply must.

But London didn't stop there!

The Royal Ballet presented a double-bill: Balanchine's "Theme and Variations" (such gorgeous costumes, a veritable rainbow of delights), which is an absolute classic, and a new work by Liam Scarlett called "Asphodel Meadows." Liam has such a modern sensibility, darling, his pieces are both provocative and thrilling! The Asphodel Meadows set had that magical touch of the otherworldly, but there was a sense of vulnerability in the dancing that I absolutely loved.

Parisian Whimsy

Paris never fails to charm! The OpĂ©ra Ballet at the Palais Garnier presented a sublime version of "Giselle." What truly made this production stand out was their emphasis on the Romantic era and its melancholic beauty. I nearly shed a tear as I watched Myrtha, the Queen of the Wilis, glimmer across the stage - pure perfection! If you find yourself in Paris, dear readers, I strongly advise you take a moment to wander past this grand theatre; it’s simply divine. A lovely luncheon, or perhaps a little afternoon tea, at the Angelina cafĂ© on the Rue de Rivoli afterwards? You can’t go wrong, I promise!

The Glamour of New York

New York City, the melting pot of artistic expression, as always, didn't disappoint! The New York City Ballet had a glorious spring season, culminating in a dazzling rendition of Balanchine's "Diamonds" from the jewel box of Jewels. Oh, the sparkling, choreographic genius, you must witness it to fully appreciate it. The New York City Ballet, always the embodiment of effortless precision, is simply a pleasure to watch - a visual feast for the soul!

Moscow’s Moment

Ah, Moscow, a ballet lover's dream, bursting with its own special kind of energy! The Bolshoi’s new season is off to a breathtaking start with a captivating revival of "Swan Lake." Oh, it was breathtaking, darling. The corps de ballet performed with unbridled enthusiasm - like swan feathers fluttering across the stage. The ballerinas are simply exquisite - there is a particular fire in their eyes that makes each performance feel so alive.

Beyond the Classics: An Emerging Scene

I do like to keep my finger on the pulse of the world's ballet scene. I'm always searching for that little something extra that will turn a production into something truly remarkable. That brings me to the dance festival in Amsterdam: This year, a young Dutch company called Introdans stole the show, introducing new pieces that spoke to contemporary concerns. I was struck by their raw talent, the courage in their dance lines. And their costumes, my dear, quite chic, but without a hint of fussiness.

The Buzz at The Royal Opera House

I couldn’t resist returning to Covent Garden! This month they held a grand, opulent gala celebrating Sir Peter Wright’s outstanding career as a choreographer and dance director. It truly was a tribute worthy of his talent and legacy, and such a heartwarming affair. I’ll be reminiscing about it for weeks, darling!

My Eye on the Future

To finish off our globetrotting tour, let's make a brief stop at the Tokyo Ballet, where the youthful energy of their dancers truly caught my attention! It is absolutely clear that this company is moving with confidence into the future, embracing contemporary works with daring artistry. Their production of “The Rite of Spring” - a bold, vibrant statement about the modern world! If the Tokyo Ballet is an indication of things to come, the future of ballet looks very bright indeed.

My little thoughts? There is an undeniable energy, a vibrant new sense of purpose coursing through ballet today. There are the tried and true, of course, those classic ballets, so beloved, always captivating. But we are seeing an exciting, daring shift in contemporary choreography, pushing the boundaries and challenging the way we think about the art form. And I, for one, couldn’t be more delighted. As I write this, darling, I'm already dreaming of my next balletic adventure. Where will it take me, I wonder?