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Oh, my darlings! What a whirlwind of a month it’s been! My dancing shoes are positively begging for a rest, and I’m just a bit jet-lagged after all those fabulous flights between Paris, New York and, well, even as far as Tokyo! And to think, we’re only just entering October.

Let’s talk about Paris first. As you all know, I simply adore the City of Lights, and its ballet scene continues to captivate me. Le Grand Ballet de l’OpĂ©ra de Paris this season truly stole my heart! They opened with the incomparable **Balanchine's “Symphony in C”**, and the dancers were positively divine. I couldn’t help but feel a wave of nostalgia – those sleek, minimalist lines, the crisp and precise movements, the joy and virtuosity that flowed throughout. A true masterpiece and a perfect way to begin the season, don’t you agree?

The next piece was the much anticipated world premiere of **”La Chanson de l’Ange” by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui**. I admit I was apprehensive at first, as modern ballet isn’t my usual cup of tea. But my darlings, Cherkaoui proved me wrong. His work is such a breath of fresh air, infused with elements of both classical ballet and contemporary dance, all beautifully interwoven. The costumes (those stunning, fluid creations by **Christian Lacroix**, just picture it!) enhanced the narrative and brought it to a thrilling conclusion. The sheer audacity of it all was electrifying, and I found myself clapping and gasping in equal measure!

From the City of Lights to the Big Apple, I whisked myself off to see the New York City Ballet's **“Jewels”**, and oh, it’s a ballet that always manages to sparkle and shine! Each part – **"Emeralds," "Rubies" and “Diamonds”** - is like its own world, showcasing the incredible skill and athleticism of the New York City Ballet. The sheer joy they bring to every single move is so infectious, it’s just utterly impossible to be anything but captivated. My personal favourite? That breathtaking final scene in **“Diamonds”,** the elegance, the beauty, the unforgettable elegance - perfection! The costumes, a feast for the eyes as ever, brought this classical gem to life.

And speaking of dazzling and beautiful, we mustn't forget about the Bolshoi Ballet. You’ll all be delighted to hear, my dears, that it’s coming to the Royal Opera House for the London Dance Festival in December! A trip to Moscow for their "Sleeping Beauty" just wouldn't be possible for me right now, with my diary absolutely packed. The Bolshoi, as always, remains a force of nature, a powerhouse of tradition that always delivers, from those incredible soaring jumps to those mesmerizing, perfectly executed fouettĂ©s.

Next stop: Tokyo. While this was a first for me, and quite a whirlwind travel wise, it certainly won’t be my last. There is such a distinct and delicate style here. And in terms of ballet companies, my absolute pick for this trip has to be the **Tokyo Ballet**, their performances were exquisite! **"Giselle"** in particular was truly stunning. The ethereal grace of their corps de ballet was like nothing I have ever seen before - so delicate, so dreamlike! It was a real joy, to witness how the classical steps were brought to life with such incredible sensitivity and artistry, that delicate Japanese flavour is so unique. 

There’s so much more I could tell you - **the Kirov’s *Swan Lake*,** just perfect; **Alvin Ailey's** * **Revelations***,** a beautiful explosion of dance and passion! It's truly a wonderful time for the ballet world. And you know me, my darlings, I just can't wait to see what October brings us next. So until then, keep those dancing shoes polished and your spirits high!

And of course, don't forget your opera glasses, and if you're looking for the latest dance wear trends, look no further than *Dance Magazine*’s new edition, a true celebration of everything beautiful and fashionable. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take my shoes off - those Tokyo performances took me through the ceiling and back, my darlings! I am so tired, but in such a fabulous way!

Until next time,

With much love,

Your devoted ballet enthusiast,


**Must-See Ballets:**

  • **”Symphony in C”** - Le Grand Ballet de l’OpĂ©ra de Paris
  • **”La Chanson de l’Ange”** - Le Grand Ballet de l’OpĂ©ra de Paris
  • **“Jewels”** - New York City Ballet
  • **"Giselle"** - Tokyo Ballet
  • **"Sleeping Beauty"** - The Bolshoi Ballet
  • ** *Swan Lake*** - The Kirov Ballet
  • ** *Revelations*** - Alvin Ailey's American Dance Theater

**Must-Visit Ballet Companies**

  • Le Grand Ballet de l’OpĂ©ra de Paris
  • New York City Ballet
  • Tokyo Ballet
  • The Bolshoi Ballet
  • The Kirov Ballet

**Style Must-Haves:**

  • The perfect opera glasses
  • A classic ballet skirt, perfect for evening theatre-going
  • **Dance Magazine’s latest edition (it's a fashion masterpiece!)**
  • A comfortable pair of dancing shoes, if you're anything like me and end up wanting to dance on the street when the shows are over