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The Global Dance Scene: November 2000

My darlings, the world of dance, like a glittering butterfly, flutters from one dazzling spectacle to the next. This month, my trusty pointe shoes (adorned with the most exquisite Swarvoski crystals, of course!) have carried me to far-flung corners of the globe, from the grandeur of Paris to the vibrant buzz of Tokyo. So, pour yourselves a cup of Earl Grey, settle in, and allow me to whisk you away on a whirlwind tour of the most fabulous ballet performances the world has to offer.

A Parisian Extravaganza: The Opéra Garnier, Paris

My, oh my, the Opéra Garnier in Paris never fails to leave me breathless. This month, I had the exquisite pleasure of witnessing étoile Marie-Agnès Gillot grace the stage in a reimagining of Marius Petipa’s The Sleeping Beauty. Gillot, as Aurora, simply floated across the stage, her elegance and grace utterly captivating. The exquisite costumes, designed by the legendary Christian Lacroix, shimmered like a thousand jewels. A feast for the eyes and the soul! And let's not forget the Parisian audience - oh, so chic and sophisticated!

Royal Romance: Royal Opera House, London

I must admit, I always feel a flutter of excitement when I step inside the grand Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. And this month, it was a performance of Romeo and Juliet by Kenneth MacMillan that had my heart palpitating. Darcey Bussell, that enchantress, is nothing short of spectacular as Juliet, a passionate whirlwind of emotion, while Carlos Acosta, as Romeo, radiates smouldering masculinity. Their chemistry? Pure magic. As I always say, there’s simply no better place in the world for a grand, dramatic performance.

Tokyo Twirls: The Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, Tokyo

From the refined elegance of Europe to the captivating energy of Japan, my travels took me next to the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, the city’s grand cultural hall. My, how innovative these Japanese choreographers can be. The The Wind's Requiem, a new piece by renowned choreographer Junko Nakamura, featured a vibrant, almost theatrical portrayal of nature’s forcefulness. The lighting was spellbinding, the choreography, full of unexpected flourishes. But perhaps the most striking element was the performance of the troupe's star dancers, whose movements felt both natural and highly stylized - truly mesmerizing.

From the Americas to Australia: New York and Melbourne

It was onward then to the City That Never Sleeps. A vibrant energy pulses from every corner of New York City, and the New York City Ballet embraces it all, their season this month brimming with exhilarating, dynamic works. My favorite: Peter Martins’ Slaughter on Tenth Avenue, with its edgy, dramatic choreography and its darkly powerful score. And while New York vibrates with urban energy, I must admit I had to escape to the languid beauty of Australia for a much needed respite. The Australian Ballet, with its vibrant, diverse company, is not to be missed, and this month, their production of Giselle captivated the audience in Melbourne’s State Theatre with its delicate grace and classic romanticism.

Behind the Curtain: Interview with Marianela Nunez

Before I part for a grand dinner, darling, let me indulge you in a bit of an exclusive treat: I had the immense pleasure of interviewing the incredible Marianela Nunez, prima ballerina with the Royal Ballet. In our charming tea room (a cup of chamomile for me, my love!), we discussed the joy, and of course the toil, of dancing, her artistic inspirations, and what it means to truly be a ballerina.

*Marianela: *

I have to say that ballet is much more than a career, it's a way of life. It requires dedication and sacrifice, but the rewards are immeasurable.

*So tell me Marianela, what’s it like being the centre of attention? What's your personal connection with this role? *

*Marianela: *

It's certainly thrilling to be centre stage, and I can't deny that there’s a certain exhilaration in hearing the applause. But for me, the true joy of dancing comes from sharing this art form with others. I want to transport the audience to another world, to make them feel the passion and the emotion of each step. That's the real magic of ballet. It’s about telling a story, conveying an emotion through our bodies - that’s what makes it special.

*As a ballerina at the top of her game, do you still get stage fright? *

*Marianela: *

Yes, a little! I never take a performance for granted. There's always a thrill to stepping out on the stage. It's that wonderful mix of excitement and anxiety that drives me to give it my all every single time.

* You are considered to be one of the most accomplished ballerinas today, but tell me, is there anyone who inspires you? A muse perhaps?*

*Marianela: *

You know, so many! I have admired dancers like Natalia Osipova, Sylvie Guillem - women with such incredible technical skill, yet so full of emotion. And of course, the legend of Margot Fonteyn continues to inspire us all, with her unparalleled artistry and grace.

* Well, darling, it was so wonderful chatting with you. And your passion truly shines through! As a final question: What would be your ultimate dream performance? *

*Marianela: *

Oh, it's a dream to dance anywhere that truly celebrates the art of ballet. A beautiful stage with a wonderful orchestra - but ultimately, the most important thing is that the audience is moved, that they are truly engrossed in the performance. It’s all about creating a special moment that will stay with them, long after the final curtain falls.

As I sip my Earl Grey, watching the twinkling lights of London reflecting in the windows of the Royal Opera House, I can't help but feel a sense of pure joy. Ballet continues to captivate and enchant the world, a constant reminder of the human capacity for beauty, strength, and exquisite expression. And what better reminder of the power of this art form than the smiles on the faces of the audiences, transported into another world by the magic of the dancers’ movements, a reflection of their own souls? Until next month, darlings, keep dancing.