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A Season of Sensational Swan Lakes and Starry Soirees

Dearest readers, the crisp autumn air carries with it a palpable buzz of excitement as the international ballet scene explodes with a cornucopia of exquisite performances. It seems this season, more than any other, is infused with a captivating blend of classic revivals, daring debuts, and audacious innovations. So let us don our most elegant velvet cloaks and embark on a journey to experience the very best the world of ballet has to offer!

My own foray into this whirlwind of dance began, appropriately enough, at the **Royal Opera House** in London. **Swan Lake**, the ballet equivalent of a good black dress, never fails to enthrall, and this production was no exception. **Natalia Osipova** - simply breathtaking, my dears - danced with a fiery intensity that left me spellbound. Every flutter of her tulle, every turn of her impossibly long limbs, conveyed a whirlwind of emotions: fragile innocence, defiant longing, and ultimately, a heartbreaking acceptance of fate. The choreography by **Frederick Ashton**, though undeniably grand, is infused with such tenderness and melancholy that even the most jaded ballet aficionado will be swept away by the romance.

And speaking of romance, my journey then took me to **Paris** and the enchanting **Opéra Garnier**. **Benjamin Millepied**'s **Bolero**, the work that propelled him to stardom, has become an institution of contemporary ballet. In this iteration, a young, incandescent ballerina - let’s not name names, shall we? - became a powerful siren, leading the audience on an erotic exploration of the soul. **Millepied's** mastery of space, his masterful use of light and shadow, creates a sensual atmosphere, captivating both eyes and mind. The dancers’ effortless execution of his intricate patterns is truly mesmerizing, leaving you wanting more after the final, breath-taking flourish.

But this wasn’t just about renowned companies. I stumbled upon a jewel, tucked away in the **Staatsoper** of **Berlin**: **The Little Mermaid**, a ballet adaptation of the classic fairytale by **John Neumeier**, is nothing short of enchanting. The music is pure magic - a seamless blend of **Tchaikovsky**, **Grieg**, and **Debussy** - and **Neumeier**'s choreography tells a captivating story through every movement. The set design is exquisite, evoking the depths of the ocean with ethereal backdrops and intricate costuming. A young and utterly delightful ballerina, who you'll undoubtedly be hearing more about in the coming seasons, made the character of Ariel come to life with unparalleled beauty and grace.

A true sense of exhilaration coursed through my veins after watching the **Nederlands Dans Theater** perform in **Amsterdam** at **The National Theatre**. A company famed for pushing the boundaries of classical ballet, they effortlessly blend contemporary dance with a hint of theatrical spectacle. This season’s must-see is **Jiri Kylian’s** Symphony of Psalms, an absolute masterpiece. Its use of space, light and sound is innovative, even for today, the dance a vibrant, thrilling conversation between the dancers and the stage, punctuated with exquisite, elegant steps. You leave this performance exhilarated, enthralled, and deeply moved.

And what would a season of ballet be without a healthy dose of whimsy? That's where the **New York City Ballet** comes in. Their playful production of **Alice in Wonderland**, set to **Tchaikovsky’s** delightful music, is a veritable feast for the senses. The stage is a swirling kaleidoscope of colour, whimsy, and theatrical brilliance. Each character is brought to life with delightful detail, from the mischievous Cheshire Cat to the eternally late Mad Hatter, leaving you gasping with laughter and sheer joy. You leave the theater feeling like you’ve stepped through the looking glass and into a world where magic and imagination reign supreme.

From the grand avenues of New York City, my journey continued to the shores of the **Pacific Ocean**. The **San Francisco Ballet** has been enjoying an extraordinary year, and a visit to the **War Memorial Opera House** revealed just why. The production of **Giselle**, a classic showcasing both beauty and the technical brilliance of the dancers, brought the ballet’s heart-wrenching story to life in breathtaking detail. This was a captivating spectacle that reminded me of ballet’s eternal power to touch the soul.

Back on the shores of the **Atlantic** - **London**, my beloved London - I ventured into the avant-garde with the **Royal Ballet's** production of **The Rite of Spring** at the **Royal Opera House.** A cornerstone of 20th-century ballet, it was groundbreaking for its time and it remains so today. Stravinsky’s revolutionary score is simply thrilling and **Wayne McGregor**'s powerful and raw choreography, which seems almost violent at times, throws a dramatic new light on this primal ballet. If you are looking for an electrifying, visceral ballet experience then you must, absolutely must, see this performance!

To be sure, 2001 has been an extraordinary year for the world of ballet, showcasing a myriad of extraordinary dancers, compelling stories, and mesmerizing performances that have left me in awe and utterly captivated. As we look to the coming seasons, I predict that the world of ballet will continue its captivating ascent - with even more stunning performances and innovations on the horizon.

So, darling readers, make time for ballet this season! Experience the beauty and the drama, the emotion and the skill, that this exquisite art form has to offer.

Until next time, my dears! -


In the wings - a quick glimpse of emerging talents.

  • Viktoria Tereshkina (Mariinsky Ballet) - Her incredible agility, breathtaking leaps, and ability to make even the most demanding technique look effortless are quickly making her a force to be reckoned with.
  • Alexandre Ratmansky (American Ballet Theatre) - This Russian choreographer has a gift for finding a delicate balance between the classic and the modern. Watch for his interpretations of **Balanchine** and **Tchaikovsky** in the coming months, his interpretations are masterful.
  • Senao Lei (Royal Ballet) - It's still early days, but keep your eyes open for this captivating, charismatic dancer. With his stunning presence, unique phrasing, and captivating personality, he’s set to become a big name in the world of ballet very soon.

International soirees.

Of course, the world of dance isn’t only about traditional ballets. The allure of gala evenings, hosted by iconic venues and attended by fashionistas and socialites alike, holds a certain je ne sais quoi that I find irresistible! This season’s **Monte Carlo Dance Festival**, with its lavish cocktail receptions and intimate dinner parties held at the beautiful **Salle Garnier** (so effortlessly elegant), was an absolute must-attend. A wonderful evening of exceptional talent: **Diana Vishneva**, simply divine, in a piece created for her by **Alexei Ratmansky**, and **Misty Copeland**, always mesmerizing in her athleticism and poise, taking centre stage for **Pavel Dmitrichenko**’s dynamic piece. The event culminated in a breathtaking performance by **Mikhail Baryshnikov**, who took us back in time, his signature grace and brilliance undiminished.

The **International Choreographic Festival** held in **Lyon**, meanwhile, provided a stage for younger talent, a perfect opportunity to see the freshest perspectives, most creative ideas, and most audacious steps that the ballet world has to offer. The eclectic performances were as entertaining as they were inspiring, truly showing the power of imagination, raw talent, and of course, pure athleticism.

Now my dears, with so much to look forward to, and many thrilling performances in the wings (pun intended!), I am sure this coming year will be yet another exceptional journey into the captivating world of ballet! Stay tuned and enjoy! -
