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August, a month of balletic bliss. August was simply brimming with spectacular productions and dazzling dancers. It's as though the world's choreographers had a secret meeting in July, and conspired to make the stage truly shimmer this month!

My first stop was the glorious **Royal Ballet** at Covent Garden, where **The Sleeping Beauty** had been reimagined with a sumptuous new set by Bob Crowley. Honestly, darlings, I gasped when the curtain rose and the forest stage burst into life! Crowley's designs, with their exquisite detail and ravishing colour palette, are truly enchanting. The dancers performed beautifully, of course. Darcey Bussell as Aurora was a dream, gliding through the ballets' iconic sequences with such grace and technical finesse. And, well, the Prince (Carlos Acosta, no less) was simply divine - such beautiful lines, such romantic poise!

From the opulence of London's ballet scene, I found myself drawn to the vibrant, almost electric, energy of New York City. A new company that really caught my eye is the **Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater**. I must admit, I went in with limited expectations, having heard so much about the company’s unique approach to ballet. Well, darlings, I was completely blown away! The company perform with an intensity that is simply captivating. The program I saw was entitled "Reflections In Black," a work choreographed by the company’s legendary founder Alvin Ailey himself. It was a truly powerfully piece, with emotion churning in the choreography that almost physically lifted the audience. The dancers seemed to move as one, expressing both anguish and celebration with impressive sync and clarity. I think I lost count of how many times I gasped!

But I have to confess to my ultimate, most joyous ballet experience this August: **The Bolshoi in Moscow**. Yes, darlings, I journeyed to Moscow to witness this grand, venerable company. The production I attended was their iconic "Swan Lake". The sheer skill of these dancers, especially the female corps de ballet, was utterly astounding. Every movement was precise, graceful, and with a dramatic quality that left me breath taken after breath taken. It was the real deal, a triumph of ballet, pure and simple. My favourites were the lead dancers, who portrayed Odette/Odile with an athletic beauty that almost stopped the heart. And, oh, the costumes! Glimmering black and white swan costumes (I couldn't resist a touching one) and those majestic and stately Russian Court dresses. So elegant and refined, a pleasure to just observe, quite apart from the dance itself.

More Than Just Ballet. I wouldn't be me if I didn’t incorporate the broader arts scene into my month of indulgence! I was simply dazzled by a gorgeous modern dance performance at the **Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) in The Hague** called "Shutter Island." It's about as far removed from classic ballets as you could get! Intriguingly avant-garde choreography by Paul Lightfoot had me on the edge of my seat all evening. Dark, thought provoking, and surprisingly funny. It's no surprise that the NDT is a huge international hit – their dancers have this superhuman combination of power and precision that is both amazing to watch and physically challenging, I imagine. I found myself completely immersed in Lightfoot's world - it was dark but brilliantly crafted and the dancers themselves were remarkable.

My Favourites

  • **"The Sleeping Beauty" at the Royal Ballet.** (It's not surprising, darling!)
  • The "Swan Lake" performance by The Bolshoi in Moscow.** A reminder of how beautiful, and timeless, classic ballet can be.
  • "Shutter Island" by Nederlands Dans Theater. A real mind-bender! A captivating piece of dance theatre that left a long lasting impression.

The month of August, with its long days and pleasant temperatures, was the perfect time to indulge in my love for dance and the arts. I’m ready to continue this ballet journey through September, but, for now, I simply have to recover from all the beautiful art and indulge in a few hours of relaxation. But first, I need to order a glass of champagne!