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Oh darling, January is upon us once more, a fresh start, a chance for new beginnings. And the world of ballet is just positively bursting with excitement! From the icy depths of Moscow to the sun-drenched shores of California, thereā€™s an intoxicating feast for the eyes and ears.

It is of course impossible to cover absolutely everything, but rest assured, I have been diligently watching and listening (as is my duty, you see) to bring you the very best, the hottest, the most glittering of the current seasonā€™s offerings.

**Moscowā€™s Splendour**

Now, where better to begin than with the Bolhoi? A breathtaking production of Swan Lake opened the season there to universal acclaim. Yes, weā€™ve seen it countless times but it was simply irresistible in its sheer opulent grandeur. Natalia Osipova, sheā€™s a darling, made the role of Odette/Odile entirely her own - she had such pathos, such exquisite sadness in the white swan. Then in the black swan she was so vibrant, her pirouettes just scintillating! The dancing of the entire company was, of course, exceptional, as weā€™ve come to expect, and the staging, well, letā€™s just say you could smell the vodka, and that in a good way. Itā€™s a pure sensory treat, all velvet curtains, soaring music and divine dancers.

I confess that my attention wandered for a short while to the glittering social scene at intermission. I could see Natalia Vodianova, so ravishing in her emerald velvet gown, deep in conversation with Roman Abramovich (heā€™s just the loveliest). The whole night, darlings, it felt as if I had taken a time-warp back to a bygone era of exquisite grace and elegance.

**A Royal Affair in Copenhagen**

Speaking of elegance, the Royal Danish Balletā€™s production of La Sylphide, an early 19th-century ballet that remains one of the purest expressions of the Romantic era, must surely rank amongst the most poignant and graceful productions to be seen anywhere. It is pure storytelling and involves an abundance of delicate wisps and a most handsome prince. There are few sights more breathtaking than watching the Sylphide dance across the stage in ethereal fashion - an exquisite wisp, the spirit of the wild, flitting between our reality and the ethereal world, oh the fantasy!

The Danish company performed flawlessly and you could just feel the magic and wonder infused within the entire performance. It made me feel rather emotional, I must confess! Such exquisite grace and fluidity. They really do put the English company to shame, and by the way darling, did I tell you about the adorable Prince Charming, a real-life Danish prince I hear - one must always have oneā€™s eye out for those kind of things. I wonder what the royal wedding invitation might look likeā€¦

**From Moscow to the New World**

From Denmark I went flying westwards - well darling, of course I did it first class, itā€™s just not done to go economy! The West Coast beckoned with a spectacular offering, namely American Ballet Theatreā€™s production of Giselle at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles. I must confess to being a tad disappointed with this, you see. The dancers were all well and good - I must say I have always found that the Americans are terribly athletic, with that sort of ā€œnever say dieā€ attitude to dancing - but I do so yearn for a bit more polish, a bit more elegance in their style. And as for the sets, dearie, well letā€™s just say itā€™s like everything in America ā€“ grander than grand!

Now donā€™t misunderstand, darling. Thereā€™s a certain raw vitality to American ballet. And I adore that, particularly with ABTā€™s principal dancer, a young Russian chap called David Hallberg, who is absolutely mesmerising in his virtuosity. And his jumps - you just wouldnā€™t believe it darling! - but when I am in search of sublime classical dance, I prefer the artistry of the Russians, if you know what I mean.

**Something a little different in London**

My London sojourn, itā€™s always such a joy to go back home! As much as I love the tradition and history of classical ballet, I must say I am a sucker for something new. The Royal Ballet had been rather subdued in its offerings, so I was thrilled to find an invigorating, modern romp in the form of the newly premiered ā€œFleshā€ by Wayne McGregor.

It is a stunning, raw work that celebrates the power and complexity of the human form with a dazzling array of contemporary movements - sometimes beautiful and lyrical, sometimes a little brutal. This wasn't for everyone, I admit, but you can't fail to be impressed by McGregor's innovative choreography. He really understands how the body can move. It really had the critics in the press buzzing! And darling, there was I right in the thick of it all, mingling with the celebrities - it really is all about who you know, but of course, a good pair of binoculars and a good gossip really does help!

And talking about something new, oh dearie! I must tell you about a simply divine performance by the English National Balletā€™s contemporary arm, the ā€œBallet Cymruā€. Their piece "Wales 1936" - oh darling, you simply must see it! Iā€™ve always had a thing for anything with Welsh associations ā€“ their flag is divine - and they just gave this beautiful performance based on the real-life tale of a young coal-miner who discovers a passion for dance. Yes, there is plenty of that beautiful Lyrical ballet, which I must say, I do think British dancers do particularly well. You see, a touch of melancholy, an emotional connection - it works wonderfully, it does. The Welsh dancers were sublime and, darling, the soundtrackā€¦ absolutely beautiful! So emotive! It just tugged at my heartstrings. It really took my breath away.

**A touch of the Avant Garde in Amsterdam**

Well, I couldnā€™t possibly conclude this journey around the world of ballet without a trip to Amsterdam, now where the Dutch really do come into their own. I must tell you darling, they really are the masters of the avant-garde, so, a little different in Amsterdam. A touch on the whimsical but oh so stylish and innovative, thatā€™s Amsterdam and that is what the Netherlands Dans Theater is all about. Their latest production, ā€œPulseā€, by Paul Lightfoot and Sol LeĆ³n - simply magnificent. They truly understand the language of contemporary movement - itā€™s the perfect balance between precision and emotion.

It was just the perfect finale to a month packed with exquisite dance, from the soaring grandiosity of Russia to the emotional depth of Wales, from the breathtaking beauty of the Scandinavians to the boldness of the Americans, the world of ballet was in full flight! And me, I was front-row, darlings, taking it all in. Just a delightful glimpse into the soul of ballet. It is the perfect combination of physical beauty and artistry - a pure, unadulterated expression of human creativity. And with the New Year now in full swing, darling, Iā€™m just dreaming about all the beautiful things we will get to see, hear, and experience. Let us be grateful for this wonderful gift! I can't wait for the new season to unfurl! So, Iā€™ll be dashing off now to catch a quick look at a show in Paris before I get back to London to begin work on my next feature!