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February’s Finest: A Flutter of Tutu and Tights Around the Globe

Darling, what a month it has been for the ballet world! From the cobbled streets of Paris to the glittering stages of New York, February has been a whirlwind of feathers and tutus, a delectable dance of grace and artistry.

As the February chill settled over the City of Lights, so did a divine performance of Giselle at the Palais Garnier. It simply had to be seen! My darlings, the Parisian troupe danced with a vibrant energy that left my heart soaring. And the principal, oh darling, a vision in tulle and sorrow! Her technique, breathtaking. Her vulnerability, palpable. A perfect balance of technical mastery and raw emotional power, Giselle was an absolute triumph!

On the other side of the Atlantic, in the glamorous melting pot that is New York City, the American Ballet Theatre unveiled a truly magnificent new work, The Raven, inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s gothic poetry. Darling, the costumes were so chic! Velvet, black lace, and a hint of silver — pure Poe-inspired glamour! And the choreography, my dear, was as dark and haunting as the poem itself. An exquisite balance of fluid, ethereal movements with the sharpest of contemporary style.

One performance that left me with a shiver down my spine was The Sleeping Beauty at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. The Bolshoi ballerinas, known for their classic training, were simply superb, transforming the stage into a royal fairytale, dazzlingly theatrical, and enchantingly beautiful.

Of course, no month is complete without a spot of London’s brilliance. This month’s absolute must-see was The Royal Ballet’s "Diana & Acteon," a ballet born from the artistry of Christopher Wheeldon, the darling of the dance world. Wheeldon always creates something quite extraordinary! Diana & Acteon is pure joy, darling! The use of mythological narrative is utterly intoxicating, the choreography a captivating fusion of classic technique with daring modernity. And the music by Thomas Adès? A pure feast for the ears!

The Royal Opera House itself, dear, has become an unmissable jewel of London's social scene this season. The after-show parties, the buzz of post-performance chatter, the glitz and the glamour! The London dance scene, darling, it is positively thriving.

From London's West End, darling, we must not forget to cast our eye towards the bright lights of Broadway! The American Ballet Theatre's residency at the Metropolitan Opera was another highlight of the month. A beautiful rendition of the timeless classic, Swan Lake, the New Yorkers proved their unwavering talent with their fluid, graceful movement and emotive performances. A breathtaking performance of classical ballet, darling! Truly unforgettable!

Here’s what captured my attention in February's flurry of artistic delights: *

A Star Is Born: In New York, a newcomer to the dance world shone brighter than any spotlight! We’re talking about darling Daniel, who debuted his choreography at a special benefit performance. He brought a new level of creativity and a fresh voice to contemporary ballet, blending bold, intricate movements with delicate grace and stunning emotion. He's an absolute revelation!


The Next Generation: We also had the chance to see a new wave of young dancers, a beautiful kaleidoscope of talents taking to the stage. In Moscow, a small group of budding ballerinas danced alongside the seasoned veterans in the Bolshoi’s “Gala: New Faces.” The future of Russian ballet? They’re already dazzling. They have such fire! I'm ready for them to take the stage in the full Bolshoi glory soon!


The Allure of the Exotic: We must not forget to acknowledge the wonderful cultural exchange happening across the globe! An amazing contemporary dance company from India visited Paris, captivating the Parisian audience with their beautiful traditional dances and stunning costumes. They brought the spices of India to the chilled heart of Paris! It was truly intoxicating.


A Peek into the World of Dance: In London's most exciting news, the British Film Institute announced the release of a wonderful documentary film about the choreography of the great Maurice Béjart. This film promises a glimpse into the creative genius of this legend! A must watch for any ballet enthusiast.

As we bid adieu to February, darling, I say with a twinkle in my eye and a sigh of contentedness, what a glorious month it has been. The world of ballet has truly come alive! With new faces, breathtaking performances, and a sprinkle of glamour, the world of dance has certainly staged a spectacular spectacle, my dearest! And let me assure you, I will be front row centre to watch it all unfold. Till next time, darling!