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The Dance Scene: April 2008

Darling, April has been positively *whirlwind* in the world of dance! So many delightful performances, all so brimming with passion, talent and *je ne sais quoi*. Let me tell you, my darlings, the ballet world is positively humming!

London Calling

I kicked things off with a *spectacular* visit to the Royal Opera House to see the Royal Ballet's new production of "La Bayadère". Honestly, it was a feast for the eyes! The costumes, darling, simply *breathtaking*! But, it wasn't just about the visuals; the performance itself was absolutely electrifying. The choreography, especially the "Kingdom of the Shades" scene, was so incredibly moving, I was positively *weeping*. It was pure ballet perfection!

And then, just a stone's throw from Covent Garden, at the Sadler's Wells, I was entranced by "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by the Birmingham Royal Ballet. It's a beautifully imaginative production with such incredible, quirky, modern choreography. The dancers were fantastic, of course! But I especially loved the use of the *giant* playing cards; so very clever, *darling*.

But darling, there's more to London than just ballet. The *magnificent* Rambert Dance Company at the Barbican were a *total* delight with their bold, innovative take on contemporary dance. Rambert, for me, always delivers a captivating and visually striking performance - and this one was *no* exception. Oh, I must also mention, darling, the costumes; just *stunning*.

New York, New York

Speaking of bold, *oh*, darling, New York's American Ballet Theatre simply stole my heart! Their revival of "Giselle" at the Metropolitan Opera House was nothing short of sensational. The passion, the technique - just everything! And then, that beautiful *diminuendo*, that iconic last step! *Heart-stopping!* Honestly, you could have heard a pin drop in that auditorium, even after the applause started, it just kept *going* and *going* and *going*. Pure perfection.

I just *had* to see Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater while I was in New York. Their performance at the City Center was electric. They just have so much energy! The work is so powerfully expressive and raw. The *absolute* epitome of American dance!

But I'm always partial to a good *romp* through the classics. The New York City Ballet's performance of "Swan Lake" at Lincoln Center was simply beautiful, so ethereal. It's always such a treat to watch a performance where everyone seems to be speaking the same *ballet language* perfectly.

Around the Globe

  • Speaking of classical elegance, I absolutely had to go to Paris, darling, to see the Bolshoi Ballet at the Opéra Garnier. The production of "Don Quixote" was, well, a little bit "out there", with an *over* the top, yet beautifully done production, featuring some stunning dance scenes, darling, absolutely stunning.
  • But my *absolute* favorite production this month was "Sleeping Beauty", danced by the Staatsballett Berlin in Berlin's *breathtaking* Staatsoper Unter den Linden. This performance, darling, was *perfect* - so graceful, so precise, so elegant. The set, so simple yet effective; the dancing so full of life, joy, and tenderness - just breathtaking.
  • And while in Berlin, I also went to the Deutsches Oper Ballet to see "The Rite of Spring", and was blown away by the raw energy and powerful physicality of the performance, but it did lack that element of sheer beauty I am looking for.
  • But the beauty returned in my final trip this month. Darling, you just have to experience the beauty of "La Sylphide", in Copenhagen's Danish Royal Ballet, at the Royal Danish Theatre, *so elegant*, with the dancers like beautiful ethereal spirits. I felt positively *rapt* during the performance - you know how much I love the magic of classical ballet.

Oh, my darlings, there's simply so much to see! The dance world is alive and thriving, with so much variety and beauty - I simply *cannot* get enough! I have to go now, but I'll keep you updated with the latest and greatest from the wonderful world of dance, you can count on that, my darlings! Till next time, au revoir and have a *fabulously* stylish week.