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Oh, Darling, It’s a New Season
Oh my darlings! It’s finally here: the time for velvets and autumnal colours and, most importantly, the new ballet season! Yes, I simply cannot wait to unveil to you the wonders, triumphs and disappointments of this year’s dance offerings – my, my, my! Such a feast for the senses – so much so, darling, that it is going to take all my strength and my signature fuchsia pink eyeliner to hold it all together.

A Magnificent Swan
And we kick off the season where else but at the Royal Ballet in London, of course, in their sumptuous new production of Tchaikovsky’s *Swan Lake*. Let’s just say darling, it was divine. I’m just going to go full gushing and say the staging is absolutely the most beautiful and innovative in all of my ballet years. I particularly adore the misty, magical woods and how the swans emerge – a little like some sort of ghostly water nymphs and simply exquisite. The star of the show, naturally, is our ever-reliable Marianela Nuñez in the lead role and boy, is she good, darlings, simply sublime. One can't even begin to speak of her breathtaking technique and her incredible stamina and grace; she truly shines throughout this demanding role. Not forgetting, of course, the ever-handsome Vadim Muntagirov as Prince Siegfried. That pas de deux - they take you right up there with them – a whirlwind of emotion. And darling, I just had to squeeze a tear during her death scene. Oh! the pure, absolute tragedy and her portrayal of such deep and desperate sadness - it moved my soul.

A Dance Extravaganza in Paris
Naturally, it was off to Paris to check out the *Étoile* offerings for this autumnal season at the Paris Opera. One of the big new productions there is *A Midsummer Night’s Dream*, directed by none other than the formidable Patrick Bolle. Yes, my dears, it was, well, as you’d expect, a rather strange affair. I can’t help but think this must be a love/hate one, and for me, personally, it did, shall we say, veer towards hate rather than love. However, some darlings, who knows – you just never know! You may all be dying to get tickets to this and I wouldn’t judge - this is just me, darlings - me, me, me - being super fussy. However, I was far more impressed by the Parisian's performance of *La Sylphide*, I loved their *Jeune Femme* and a little *tour de force*, I have to say, was dancer Aurélien Canivez, and darling! that man can *really* jump, just absolutely superb, no, more than superb, I dare say.

A Touch of Romance in Moscow
As always, Moscow continues to impress, the Bolshoi Theatre a stunning, jewel of a building that one never grows tired of entering. I just love that grand and historical interior with all the opulent decoration and then, oh, that amazing stage, it just draws you in with its sheer size and vastness. This year it was the turn of *Romeo and Juliet*, and, darlings, a truly beautiful production in terms of both the storytelling and choreography, and there was a real and genuine emotion pouring forth on the stage from both dancers. A special shout-out, naturally, to Polina Semionova and Alexander Volchkov for making their Romeo and Juliet a masterpiece – yes, darlings! - a real gem for this year’s dance calendar. However, for the purists amongst you (yes, I am, my darlings!) , you must absolutely take note of their upcoming new production of Balanchine's *Serenade*.

America! Oh My!
Darling, where else to start with the Americans except in their beautiful and glittering jewel of the dance world – the New York City Ballet. Yes, what a feast awaits the audiences in New York this year – they’re starting with a new version of Jerome Robbins’s iconic masterpiece *Dances at a Gathering*. Darling! Can you even imagine! I, for one, am already planning my trip. However, there’s a new star of the dance world who is attracting much attention, darlings - I simply must introduce you to one Mr. Herman Cornejo! He has his sights set firmly on conquering the dance world, and this year will be the moment when everyone truly falls under his spell, his energy is electric.

Where's The Passion?
But darling, where to even begin with the disappointments and duds of this year's ballet season – yes, there have been a few flops along the way. Now darling, it's hard for me to admit - especially to all of you – but you must be truthful in these matters, it is just the nature of the business, darling. Oh, I am going to upset you all by talking about a certain new version of *The Nutcracker* that recently opened in our dear Royal Ballet - don't get me started. This time round I found it almost devoid of anything at all resembling true Christmas spirit - in my opinion! Now darlings, I realise that *The Nutcracker* is one of those ballets which people take comfort in watching, a tradition, one could even say, especially at this time of year – the Christmas lights twinkle and it all seems jolly, so there's a sense of something very cosy and comforting, like wrapping yourself up in a warm winter shawl – so, there we are.

Let’s All Dance
So darling, all in all a very rich and stimulating start to this season, something for everyone - so come on, what are you waiting for - grab your new ballet shoes and tights, darling – or perhaps a sparkly diamond encrusted belt - whatever takes your fancy – and take a bow!