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April's Delight: A Ballet Whirlwind Around the Globe

My darlings, the month of April has brought us a veritable feast of balletic delights! From the ethereal grace of the Bolshoi to the daring modernity of New York City Ballet, this month has been an absolute tour de force. And while the chill of winter still lingers, let's bask in the warming glow of these balletic masterpieces!

First, darling, let's jet off to the legendary Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow! There, the world's premier ballet company had me swooning with their revival of "Swan Lake" last month, staged in that beautiful traditional way we all know and love. Olga Smirnova as Odette/Odile was utterly luminous, a dream in white and a seductress in black. Her elegant port de bras and flawless extensions were a joy to behold, and she managed to convey the tragedy and complexity of Odette's story with a quiet power that held the entire audience spellbound. Partnering her was Vladislav Lantratov as Prince Siegfried - the epitome of gallant chivalry, he provided a perfect foil to her dramatic prowess. Of course, the "Swan Lake" corps de ballet was magnificent as ever - a synchronized, swirling tableau that was truly awe-inspiring! Don't be late to grab a seat at this truly must-see revival before the run ends!

Now let us fly to New York, my dear! There we find a true powerhouse of a dance company - the New York City Ballet, pushing the boundaries of the ballet world with their dazzling and avant-garde production of "The Prodigal Son" . The choreographic work of Jerome Robbins was as stunning as always, infused with a raw and uncompromisingly powerful masculinity that resonated deeply. The story itself, while certainly not for the faint of heart, explores the very essence of redemption - from the protagonist's rebellious wanderings and subsequent self-destruction to his eventual quest for salvation. It’s as dark as it is beautiful. The male dancers, led by a powerful and poignant Sterling Hyltin and the captivating Andrew Veyette, brought a fierce athleticism and raw emotion to the work that was both electrifying and deeply affecting. The costumes by Alexandra Shulman, too, played an important role. Bold, and evocative - they created a powerful sense of both beauty and darkness, truly reflecting the very soul of this stunning performance.

A World of Dance Delights
  • Speaking of contemporary dance, I must mention the London Royal Ballet’s exquisite performance of Wayne McGregor's "Woolf Works." This piece drew its inspiration from the haunting and beautifully wrought writings of Virginia Woolf. The dancers – the elegant Francesca Hayward in particular - truly inhabited their roles, bringing emotional depth and raw authenticity to McGregor's beautifully sculpted, and quite complex, movements. There are very few choreographers today, darling, that could pull off such an incredible fusion of literary themes and contemporary dance! It's truly a masterpiece, and one that stays with you long after the final curtain.
  • Now, for a dose of classicism, the Parisian OpĂŠra Ballet dazzled me with their production of “La Bayadère.” The legendary Rudolf Nureyev choreography was brought back to life with such an elegant precision - it felt like a timeless masterpiece from a bygone era! AurĂŠlie Dupont as the tragic Nikiya is simply stunning - she was mesmerizing in her virtuosity, the power of her leaps and turns simply taking my breath away. And don't even get me started on the celebrated "Kingdom of the Shades" scene - it’s pure, unadulterated ballet magic!
  • Now if you prefer your ballet infused with a healthy dose of glamour and glitter, darling, look no further than the New York City Ballet’s production of "Diamonds" from the iconic ballet "Jewels". It's not just a beautiful and vibrant work, but a true ballet "fashionista's" dream come true. The iconic costumes by Karinska (which were lovingly restored and reimagined by Reid Bartelme for the occasion) are absolutely breathtaking. The dancers moved with such incredible fluidity, their every movement radiating elegance and refinement, while the overall piece brought a truly mesmerizing elegance and beauty to the stage!
  • For a ballet with heart and soul - look no further than the San Francisco Ballet’s recent production of “Romeo and Juliet”. The classic love story has been told a million times, of course, but I'd never seen such an incredibly tender and human depiction. It's simply gorgeous, the dancing exquisite - especially that breathtaking balcony scene! The company truly brought out the beauty and vulnerability of this most human and captivating story - and they brought a powerful poignancy to its tragic finale!
  • Speaking of poignant moments, no month of ballet would be complete without mention of The Royal Ballet's sublime production of “The Sleeping Beauty,” set in the most beautiful and enchanting of venues - London’s Royal Opera House. The production, like a classic, beautiful painting, is an absolute masterpiece of dance. I must say that it was an utterly breathtaking visual treat and a testament to tradition at its most refined! It truly brought to mind an era of grandeur and opulence that, at least for the night, we were lucky enough to witness!

As always, there were countless more inspiring performances happening all over the world. From the Bolshoi’s awe-inspiring performance of “Don Quixote” to the breathtaking spectacle of “La Sylphide” in the breathtaking scenery of the Vienna State Opera House, every city is alive with a beautiful, artistic energy. This April truly proved, my dears, that there is truly no art form quite like ballet!

Until next time, enjoy the world of dance. Let's stay in touch - follow me on Instagram @BalletDiary for more beautiful and stylish dance updates throughout the month of May! Until next month - Ă  bientĂ´t!