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September 2010

Darling, what a month! A whirlwind of tulle and tiaras, as we've danced across continents to witness the exquisite ballet performances gracing our stages this September. The air is abuzz with anticipation for the new season, and these productions have set the bar high, dear reader, very high indeed.

A Touch of the Avant Garde

Firstly, let's delve into the edgy and daring. The **Royal Ballet** in London, oh so impeccably chic, presented Wayne McGregor's "Chroma" - a kaleidoscope of kinetic energy. McGregor, the darling of the contemporary scene, doesn't disappoint. The dancers are magnificent - their bodies sleek, athletic, and pushed to their absolute limits, as the vibrant music, a heady concoction by Joby Talbot, thunders around the Royal Opera House. It's an electrifying assault on the senses, but leave the diamond tiara at home for this one - less is definitely more, and McGregor is all about breaking the mould.

Romance and Refinement in Paris

Over in the City of Lights, Paris, the **Paris Opera Ballet**, resplendent in its gilded grandeur, was showcasing their own brand of modern brilliance. "In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated," choreographed by William Forsythe, was a heady mix of minimalism and thought-provoking narratives. It was a masterful display of physicality and storytelling. Forsythe's ability to explore human relationships and societal structures with such artistry and elegance is simply breathtaking. I do love a show with a little intellectual depth, don't you, dear reader?

A Glimpse of the Divine

Across the Atlantic, the **New York City Ballet** brought their signature sparkle to the season. This legendary company was in fine form with a stellar revival of George Balanchine's "Symphony in C." It was an absolute feast for the eyes, the sheer energy and precision of the dancers was divine. The effortless flow and poise of the corps de ballet, and the star power of principal dancers like Tiler Peck and Sara Mearns, was simply unforgettable. "Symphony in C" is a ballet for all the senses, one that evokes pure joy and exuberance. Truly a quintessential piece.

The Grand Prix's Unrivaled Flair

The highlight of September, darling, has to be the **Prix de Lausanne** in Switzerland. It's the annual ballet competition where future stars emerge. It is an extraordinary opportunity to witness the sheer raw talent of these young ballerinas. The intensity is palpable, and the passion is breathtaking. This year, the grand prize went to the elegant Chinese ballerina Wang Xiaohan, and I am certain we shall see much more of this remarkable young dancer in years to come.

The Glamour of the Bolshoi

Our journey takes us to Moscow, the home of the legendary **Bolshoi Ballet**. The Bolshoi never fails to impress, and this September was no exception. They brought back the opulent and dramatic "Spartacus" to the stage. This masterpiece of ballet, featuring the flamboyant choreography of Yury Grigorovich, is full of power and passion. The dancers of the Bolshoi are known for their impressive athleticism, and they do not disappoint, they soar with such grandeur, darling. Be warned, dear reader, it's a ballet with plenty of blood and gore, a bit like an operatic version of a gladiatorial epic, but undeniably exciting. Don't miss the stunning scene of the slave uprising! You might want to wear your most dramatic diamonds for this performance. After all, a little glitter can never hurt!

Regional Treasures

It's not all about the grand operas, darling, for there is tremendous talent to be found in our regional companies, too. This September, I was delighted to see a captivating performance by **Scottish Ballet** in their new production of "Cinderella" at the Edinburgh Festival. The music was beautiful and the dancing was simply exquisite. It is truly enchanting to watch them bring new life to such a classic tale, a real must-see.

Encores, Darling, Encores!

And lastly, darling, a must-have experience! Attend a performance of "Giselle," a masterpiece of romantic ballet. Every single time it's performed, it moves me to tears. It is an eternally beautiful work, celebrating love, loss, and forgiveness. And it is a real testament to the versatility of our dance companies, for you can see it in all kinds of different productions around the world. It has a universal quality that is a joy to witness.

Until next month, darling, enjoy your dancing adventures!

Your Ballet Buff,

[Your Name Here]